Radio: El Rushbo here, wondering when will the Democrats end their war on millionaire women?! If stay-at-home mom Ann Romney becomes First Lady, that will only add to her struggle... because now she will have to clean one more house!
The Romney’s are so in touch with ordinary people. The struggles of having servants to take care of your every need, living in several luxurious homes and making a pittance last year in speaking fees, only a quarter million dollars. Such hardship.
Your argument breaks down on one simple point. Did Ann Romney ever face rescission from her insurance company? I also understand she had a staff of at least 3 people to raise those 5 boys. Jealous, hardly, I just know when I’m being patronized.
RMoney said many times his wife is his chief adviser on economic issues affecting women. That puts her in the campaign, not out of bounds. GOPers need to STFU about mommy wars issues. And if that apartment was dingy, it’s because Willard is cheap. They had lots of money in stocks given Porgy Tirebiter by his dad.
Peabody-Martini almost 13 years ago
The Romney’s are so in touch with ordinary people. The struggles of having servants to take care of your every need, living in several luxurious homes and making a pittance last year in speaking fees, only a quarter million dollars. Such hardship.
cdward almost 13 years ago
Correction. It should read…“Because now she will have one more house for her maids to clean.”
pschearer Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Jealous, ain’t we?
Peabody-Martini almost 13 years ago
Your argument breaks down on one simple point. Did Ann Romney ever face rescission from her insurance company? I also understand she had a staff of at least 3 people to raise those 5 boys. Jealous, hardly, I just know when I’m being patronized.
Davepostmp almost 13 years ago
Yeah, it would have been easier if Mitt had shared some of it with her.
peachyanddanny almost 13 years ago
RMoney said many times his wife is his chief adviser on economic issues affecting women. That puts her in the campaign, not out of bounds. GOPers need to STFU about mommy wars issues. And if that apartment was dingy, it’s because Willard is cheap. They had lots of money in stocks given Porgy Tirebiter by his dad.