The occasional 100 km “juti” (traffic jam) in Japan. The Tokyo metro area has 35 million people, and they all seemed to be on the same street with me whenever I drove.
I-45 the Gulf Freeway in South Houston. Drivers will rubber-neck watching a guy changing a flat on the other side of the highway. Any excuse at all to slow things down to a crawl.
Asphalt tanker overturned on the DC beltway. Four lanes of people trying to drive through 6 inches of hot asphalt. That was a looooooonnnnnnggg drive that day.
Worst I ever saw was in the Boston Tunnel, during rush hour, bumper to bumper and an ambulance was trying to get through! 2nd would be the Richmond-Petersburg I-95 corridor any day of the week, esp. in summer.
I-45 north during the evacuation for Hurricane Rita. It took ten hours to go ten miles. We made it from Pearland (south of Houston) to Fort Worth in 30 hours—normally it takes about four.
Any road here in in Atlanta mornings and afternoons epecially The Gary Curve andand the gaint cloverleaf intersection near the Gwinett/Dekab county line knownas “Spagetti Junction” [Echoes “Spagetti Junction”]. Yes, it’s so big you need an echo.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
rubinocreative Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Where was the worst traffic you’ve ever seen?
Templo S.U.D. almost 13 years ago
no kiddin’
frumdebang almost 13 years ago
The occasional 100 km “juti” (traffic jam) in Japan. The Tokyo metro area has 35 million people, and they all seemed to be on the same street with me whenever I drove.
GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I-45 the Gulf Freeway in South Houston. Drivers will rubber-neck watching a guy changing a flat on the other side of the highway. Any excuse at all to slow things down to a crawl.
sleeepy2 almost 13 years ago
Asphalt tanker overturned on the DC beltway. Four lanes of people trying to drive through 6 inches of hot asphalt. That was a looooooonnnnnnggg drive that day.
Dani Rice almost 13 years ago
The Baltimore Harbor Tunnel during evening rush hour. It can take a half an hour to go two miles. Mornings are clear sailing, but evenings…yeesh!
annieg1963 almost 13 years ago
I-10 i sacremento,ca…between 2pm and 9pm.
3hourtour Premium Member almost 13 years ago the math..
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Worst I ever saw was in the Boston Tunnel, during rush hour, bumper to bumper and an ambulance was trying to get through! 2nd would be the Richmond-Petersburg I-95 corridor any day of the week, esp. in summer.
catqueen almost 13 years ago
I-45 north during the evacuation for Hurricane Rita. It took ten hours to go ten miles. We made it from Pearland (south of Houston) to Fort Worth in 30 hours—normally it takes about four.
psyhco_dad almost 13 years ago
I-15 in Utah not only long but have to contend with the worest and rudest drivers in the world
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 13 years ago
@Tony Rubino
Any road here in in Atlanta mornings and afternoons epecially The Gary Curve andand the gaint cloverleaf intersection near the Gwinett/Dekab county line knownas “Spagetti Junction” [Echoes “Spagetti Junction”]. Yes, it’s so big you need an echo.
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
Worst traffic I had was when I worked in Chicago and had to take El trains every day- nothing worse. After I started draving it was not all that bad!
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
I’ve never visited NYC (guess I’m glad!)
lou_lou almost 13 years ago
Rome was the craziest. Phuket, Thailand, the most death defying.