Damn, I thought Tom had been smoking some rather powerful leaf to conger up this about Rosemary and Scotty being real or imaginary. But this is getting rather too gory and gruesome for me. I may need to see if I can scrounge up something a bit more powerful than my pipe tobacco to simply wash out this image.
One other question…. anyone know how to explain the dichotomy between what gets posted here at gocomics and what is up as “current” on the Banana Triangle website?
margueritem over 12 years ago
If you survive long enough. I think that Rosemary greatly admires black widow spiders, and praying mantises.
crystalwizard over 12 years ago
very, very, very tired of this strip.
lippyfish over 12 years ago
i just want to know what happened to Rosemary’s dress
Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago
I’m gonna be sick.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 12 years ago
Damn, I thought Tom had been smoking some rather powerful leaf to conger up this about Rosemary and Scotty being real or imaginary. But this is getting rather too gory and gruesome for me. I may need to see if I can scrounge up something a bit more powerful than my pipe tobacco to simply wash out this image.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 12 years ago
One other question…. anyone know how to explain the dichotomy between what gets posted here at gocomics and what is up as “current” on the Banana Triangle website?
dianehb Premium Member over 12 years ago
I guess nobody likes the idea of Rosemary being a surogate and Scotty getting eaten. The metaphors are either too opaque or too real
Peachguy82 over 12 years ago
And then she can have Todd for dessert!
darrenmparr over 12 years ago
@ Crystawizard – Bye fella, hope your next cartoon’s a good one.
ja over 12 years ago
New to this strip, but enjoying every bite. Keep up the great work!