Rob Rogers for April 20, 2012

  1. Tmsho icon60
    josefw  about 12 years ago

    Rogers, are you on the DNC “talking points” payroll? Unimaginative and inaccurate.

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  2. Missing large
    ARodney  about 12 years ago

    Josef, got any actual facts to back up your claim? The cartoon is completely accurate. The GOP voted unanimously against the Lily Ledbetter act after the conservatives on the supreme court said that you couldn’t sue over sex-based wage discrimination, and Romney refuses to say whether he would have signed it. The GOP in Michigan just repealed their fair pay act. The GOP (and Romney) have sworn (despite sound rebukes at the polls in Colorado twice and Alabama once) that they support “personhood amendments,” which would outlaw all hormonal forms of birth control. So…. how is this inaccurate?

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  3. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  about 12 years ago

    “So are you saying that women are some how less then anyone else and they need mommy government to pass rules like this to make it “fair” "No, the coperations (and apparently the G-NO-P) think that because the law was needed to get them equal pay. “A politician will not answer a set up? how dare he not play by your rules.”It’s 2008 all over again. Can’t/won’t answer a question? GOTCHA JOURNALISM. I mean, its not like he’s running for office or anything. Why should he answer a yes or no question." and this is bad because it has the new buzz of “fair” in it. I mean it is up to mommy government to pick winners and losers based on “fair” You can’t trust corperations to do the right thing. Thats why we have a minimum wage (so we aren’t making 2 dollors an hour) thats why we have the fair pay laws, and thats why tax cuts for the rich don’t work they (take the extra money, keep it for themselves. little to no jobs created).

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  4. Missing large
    ggauss Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Harleyquinn, Do you have a life other than making absurd statements on a comic page?

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  5. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  about 12 years ago

    Nowhere did I say they need to hire a woman over a man, but if you have a woman, and a man doing the same job for the same amount of time, they should make the same amount of money. That is why the lilly ledbetter act was in place. But I forgot, we can’t inconvinence the corperations for a second, If we start making them treat people like people, they won’t create jobs (like they were creating any to begin with).And I don’t know where you got 90% from (most likely, the same place your head resides). But outside of MSNBC, and Current, there are no liberaly biased news stations. But I keep forgetting, in your warped CONservative worldview, if it isn’t outright anti Obama, it’s “liberal bias”. Well in that case, Stephen Colbert had it right: Reality has a well know liberal bias

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  6. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member about 12 years ago
    Was it not the loony left who told Sara Palin she needed to stay home and be with her special needs kid? Or how about Ann Culter being call the C word?

    So you’re saying that women need a mommy government to protect them from insults when they’re being as stupid as men can be? Remember that they called President Nixon The D Word.Sounds like you’re into that Liberal PC agenda as well.And re:Palin, apparently there are some mothers who think that it is somewhat more important to take care of a special needs child than it is to stand around mugging at the cameras. A good number of fathers, too.

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  7. F4dump2
    Phantom Marine  about 12 years ago

    Harleyquinn? (which is a phonetic misspelling for ‘clown’) I’m not sure what world you live in to find all your ‘facts’ but you fit that cartoon perfectly. You are still in the Stone Age. What you don’t realize is that in the real prehistoric times the deities and real lineages for most cultures were matriarchal (female). The men were too busy killing each other and those who disagreed with them. The women were left home to insure that the tribe survived!

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  8. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  about 12 years ago

    Yeah, govt needs to step in to make things fair, because you can’t trust corperations to treat people like people. Thats why we have minimum wage laws (so we arent making 2 dollors an hour). Thats why we have the lilly ledbetter act (so women aren’t making 70% of what a man doing the same job makes) If you think we shouldn’thave any of those laws, because coperations are so benevolent, then you need to take a look at the industrial revolution, PRE labor union.And the only laugh here is the fox “news” slogan “fair and balanced”. They are as fair and balanced as a lynch mob.

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  9. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  about 12 years ago

    Illegal immigrants make FAR less then both. And since, according to CONservatives, Obama likes to coddle the illegas, why aren’t we seeing an all illegal workforce?

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  10. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 12 years ago

    That is just what the GOP men are doing, acting barbaric!Acting like cave men, like women are their possesions.

    Oh Ima, after your 1st 2 posts I read I thought you were a liberal. After seeing this I’m suprised. Everything that the GOP men have done, I don’t see how any woman can really even consider being a republican. I wish you were one of us.

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  11. Klinger1
    walruscarver2000  about 12 years ago

    Would you, just for once, care to backup a statement with a reference?

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  12. Klinger1
    walruscarver2000  about 12 years ago

    Funny, I live in a state with tons of illegals and the only job I see them taking are the ones the “legals” won’t do.

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  13. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  about 12 years ago

    I wasn’t talking about doctors, or lawyers, or anything you need alot of college for, but factory labor for instance, why aren’t factorys flooded with people willing to work for a buck fifty an hour? The reason, is that not only has Obama over seen a greater number of deportations then bush, he has increased border patrol agents on the mexican border. Dosn’t sound like coddling to me.Oh, and don’t talk to loudly about the idea of finning countries oil. Keep in mind we are occupying foreign countries who aren’t to fond of the fact that we are STILL there, 10 years after the men responsible for 9/11, and thus our whole reason for going there, fled the country

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  14. Klinger1
    walruscarver2000  about 12 years ago

    Yeah, Gov. Perry is real easy on the illegals. He has repeatedly threatened to seal the border and deport them,just as soon as they finish the work on his place.

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  15. Animal bird feathers 158087
    jimchronister2016  over 4 years ago

    Thanks Bob, you always get it right on!

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