Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 05, 2012

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 13 years ago

    Whose side is Kim on?

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    leowong2002  almost 13 years ago

    .Sheā€™s a chip off the olā€™ blockā€”her momā€™s, that is

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    King_Shark  almost 13 years ago

    I dearly hope Leo says ā€œNoā€ to the whole thing. And since this isnā€™t Mary Worthless, he might.

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  4. Jack benny 02
    Kali39  almost 13 years ago

    Dads never win during the wedding planning stage. I thought everyone knew that. Weā€™ve known that since the original ā€œFather of the Brideā€ā€¦

    ā€œStanley ā€“ from now on, donā€™t pick up the phone.ā€

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    pjknb  almost 13 years ago

    I lived in Oregonā€¦does that make me 1/32 Redwood?

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    I DO remember that ā€œconversationā€!

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  7. Cat
    onespiceybbw  almost 13 years ago

    leo already said ā€œyesā€, you dorks.

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  8. Jack landen photo
    nimbleswitch  almost 13 years ago

    Alex is THE complete mess. Leoā€™s mom is right, she looks like a terrier. She has a head full of scrambled eggs, and she can drive from any seat in the car. Leo has no chance at a reasonable life hogtied to that catastrophe.

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  9. Jack landen photo
    nimbleswitch  almost 13 years ago

    I beg to differ: Limbaugh is NOT more accurate than Fox News. And studies consistently show that people who get their news from either of them are the LEAST informed about the newsā€”less informed than people who have no news source at all. Google that for yourself.

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  10. Galapagos tortoise 3r
    PShaw0423  almost 13 years ago

    I found Rush Limbaugh actually to be quite impressive the first time I listened to him. Over time, I realized that heā€™s literate, eloquent, and nothing if not authoritative ā€” none of which, singly or in combination, equates with being factually accurate or logically correct. An interesting blowhard, worth listening to if (and only if) you donā€™t listen to him alone, or take him too seriously.

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    The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    1/32 redwood? I didnā€™t realize there were even tree-huggers five generations agoā€¦

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  12. United federation
    corzak  almost 13 years ago

    The vast majority of Limbaugh are aging white males: 54% are 45 and older (28% are 55+) and 91% are Caucasian.Old, male, pale and stale. Scared that theyā€™re increasing irrelevant.And because they refuse to update their obsolete ideology ā€“ they are.I say this as a 50-year-old white male. My ā€˜peersā€™ need to ā€˜upgradeā€™ their outdated mindset. The world is changing.

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  13. Bgfcvvesve4ipojsr
    Gokie5  almost 13 years ago

    Just read something that Mr. Limbaugh would not appreciate:

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    Big_Tex  almost 13 years ago

    Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone across the vast diverse USA.English, Irish, Welsh, Scott, Dutch, German, Cherokee, and French Norman and who knows what else. A great American mutt.

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    Big_Tex  almost 13 years ago

    Alex should wear her Grandmotherā€™s dress.

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  16. Spooky
    unca jim  almost 13 years ago

    Does ANYone here at all really know what CincoDeMayo REALLY celebrates?? jeezā€¦.One batle..after that, losses..

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  17. United federation
    corzak  almost 13 years ago

    ā€œYour studies are in error based on false data. They only show the contrary, that FOX News and conservative talk radio people are the most informed on the truth.ā€A person is ā€œinformedā€ if they examine the evidence from many sources ā€“ not just the ones they agree with. They examine the credibility and motives of the sources. Form conclusions in the light of what is known of economics, history, geopolitics, science, human nature and common sense. And then ā€“ most importantly ā€“ one must be prepared to revise, update or even abandon oneā€™s conclusions the moment new evidence appears.Instead you seem to insist on one conclusion and one source, and angrily reject evidence to the contrary.

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  18. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 13 years ago

    I have read many of your posts. I have asked about your time in the service of the nation we both love, and it is something for which I respect and appreciate you.In all the comments you have posted you have not shown an iota of humour. You have shown unbridled anger and hatred. You try to pass off name calling as intelligent debate. You repeat the same line about corrupt partyā€¦ corrupt partyā€¦ Over and over again.

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    edonline  almost 13 years ago

    Alex and Kim vs Mike. Poor guy doesnā€™t stand a chance.

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    corzak  almost 13 years ago
    . . . wow . . .
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  21. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    ā€œHave you ever heard of anyone from the TEA Party wanting to get any program off of the air?ā€

    Well there were a few library books (ā€œCatcher in the Ryeā€ comes to mind), and of course, thereā€™s NPR that the right has done everything they can to get off the air.

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  22. Violet bay
    LiviaBay  almost 13 years ago

    Take out another mortgage dadā€¦youā€™re going to need itā€¦

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  23. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 13 years ago
    Letā€™s talk about the simple truth. We had a president who was appointed by the Supreme Court after losing the popular vote. In fact, every president that has lost the popular vote but won the election since the Civil War has been a Republican.

    This President started a war based on lies. His vice-president outed a covert espionage agent. How is Obama a usurper? He won the popular vote by 6 points. Calling him by his step-fatherā€™s name says more about you than it does about Obama. How much say or control does a 6 year-old have over how he is registered at school? You talk about the Clinton impeachment. The comments you make about Obama and the Clinton impeachment reflects an attitude on part of the Republicans that White House is their property, and if a member another party is elected, he is illegitimate.The Clinton investigation started out about Whitewater. What exactly did the Clintons do wrong there?You bring up Chappaquiddick. Around the same time this country went through the greatest constitutional crisis since the Civil War, and it had nothing to do with a car accident. But more sadly than any of the above, you still havenā€™t said anything funny.

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  24. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 13 years ago

    Phase Two: COMPLETE!

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    kaffekup   almost 13 years ago

    ā€˜The ATF began Project Gunrunner as a pilot project in Laredo, Texas, in 2005 and expanded it as a national initiative in 2006. Project Gunrunner is also part of the Department of Justiceā€™s broader Southwest Border Initiative, which seeks to reduce cross-border drug and firearms trafficking and the high level of violence associated with these activities on both sides of the border.ā€™ Wikipedia (on the origins of Fast and Furious under Obamaā€™s ā€œearly presidencyā€).I wonder if any of the trolls will ever be able to pass the Turing testā€¦

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