Henry Payne for April 26, 2012

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    As robots have replaced many workers on assembly lines, I would love to see Payne put in 40 hours, especially from a few years ago before the robots took so many jobs. U.A.W. has long demanded higher wages and benefits, but the work is grueling.

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  2. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member about 12 years ago

    They know what the American worker wants.Romney knows what the American CEO wants.See the difference?And which one ALWAYS gets the multi-million golden parachute?

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  3. Clouseau
    el8  about 12 years ago

    management is as management does

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  4. Missing large
    ARodney  about 12 years ago

    Right, I’m sure it’s much better to take away pay, health insurance, and private pensions so that American workers will HAVE to rely on tax-payer funded Medicaid and food stamps. Are conservatives so wacko that they now want WORKING people starving and dying on the streets when they’re too old to work??? In Romney’s speech, he lamented that government employees still get health care coverage and pensions, now that private employers are getting rid of such “luxuries.” Conservatives should keep in mind what happens when the population is left with nothing.

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    John Foster Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Let’s see, $40 per hour for a 40 hour week adds up to just over $80,000 per year. Yes I can sure live like a king in New York City or LA on that. As for the pension, it sure won’t be 100 % of your working wage.

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  6. Turn in your weapons   it worked for the indians
    trm  about 12 years ago

    @Ima: you got it backwards. The unions own Obozo.

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  7. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 12 years ago

    80,000 per year! That would pay for Romneys’ maids.

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  8. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  about 12 years ago

    Thats right, its all the fault of the unions. Not managment decisions, ceo pay, or ceo bonuses. Its the employees who dare want a living wage.

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  9. Missing large
    ARodney  about 12 years ago

    So get this straight: If you work for a living, make a living wage, and have your health insurance covered by your employer, you’re a traitor. If you do some management in a company but don’t actually build anything, and your contract has you paid very well even after you retire, you can be W’s vice president. If you still get paid millions a year by a company you no longer work for, you can be the GOP’s presidential nominee. It’s simple.

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