FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for September 11, 2012
Miss. O'Malley: Well, class, the day many of you have been dreading has arrived. Today is the day I announce our first math test. Jason: Woohoo! Yes! Sweet Momma bring it on! Miss. O'Malley: Jason, let me be specific about what it is they've been dreading... Voice: Stop jumping up and down, you freak!
legaleagle48 over 12 years ago
And Jason wonders why they all use him for target practice in dodgeball.
Kroykali over 12 years ago
An apple on the desk? Really? How quaint. Did Jason give it to her?
Sheena121 over 12 years ago
Always be nice to nerds, for someday you will need to ask them for a job.
Doctor11 over 12 years ago
Know Jason to be thrilled about having a math test while his classmates are freaking out…except maybe for Marcus and Jason’s girlfriend.
Strod over 12 years ago
Did Jason just call his teacher “Sweet Momma”?
And I don’t know what’s most disturbing: that, or that the teacher looks like Paige’s older sister or Andy’s little sister.
DerkinsVanPelt218 over 12 years ago
I had mixed feelings about math tests. Is Jason taking one of algebra or geometry?
SharkNose over 12 years ago
I had a crush on my 8th grade math teacher, but I never said, “Sweet Momma bring it on!”
legaleagle48 over 12 years ago
And Eileen Jacobsen is most definitely NOT Jason’s girlfriend — Jason HATES girls, remember?
fixer1967 over 12 years ago
Maybe this would keep Jason busy for a while.