Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for June 04, 2012
Rose: Jimbo...are you awake enough to answer a few questions? Jimbo: Uh-huh. Rose: You have to give honest answers! Jimbo: Sure...sure...honest answers... Rose: "I pay attention to my spouse's interests and hobbies." Yes or no? Jimbo: What's happening? "Relationship Survey Ambush"
LeoAutodidact over 12 years ago
The HONEST answere is “Rose, I’m not doing a magazine relationship survey!”
hawgowar over 12 years ago
Or; “Either get naked or go to sleep, honey”.
Ottodesu over 12 years ago
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
randymi over 12 years ago
@Ottodesu : Agree 100%. When women do that, they’re trouble. Run away. Far away.
rshive over 12 years ago
Once saw a movie where James Stewart had to take a multiple-choice test. He gaave random answers just to confuse the issue.
WTF Cares over 12 years ago
They should both ask Peekaboo, the STAR of this strip.
LiviaBay over 12 years ago
The dreaded “Midnight Pop Quiz”
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
May we come back to this one? What’s the next question?
gosfreikempe over 12 years ago
Rose, be careful. Tomorrow, Jimbo may start a discussion about buring a new sports car just after YOU have fallen asleep.
iced tea over 12 years ago
Why doesn’t Rose just turn out the light and go to sleep. Continue this discussion tomorrow-after thinking it over carefully.
Phosphoros over 12 years ago
What a turn-off. I’ve been in relationships where I felt more pressured or analyzed than loved. (Fortunately, Rose and Jimbo aren’t that bad.) But there IS such a point. I’ve been there.