Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for May 27, 2012

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    shirttailslim  over 12 years ago

    GOOD MORNING, vAGABONDS. Forgot my caps were locked

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    arye uygur  over 12 years ago

    @Good morning, everyone. @Shirttail Slim, it just happened to me over at Fox Trot en Espanol. Not only that, I accidentally hit my mouse TWICE and accidentally deleted my comments and had to rewrite them twice from memory.

    I am planning on a trip to Europe in about 2 weeks; I may not be able to log on for the 8 days I plan to be away.

    I have a good tentative airline schedule that will take me to Stavenger, Norway to visit and meet for the 1st time my new Uyghur penpal by way of Amsterdam. I’ll even get to stay overnight in Amsterdam and meet for the 1st time another penpal, a Tatar who lives there. The problem is getting to visit Salzgitter, Germany. I tried to find out about ferries from Stavenger to Hamburg, but the website wouldn’t give me the info I need and the plane from Stavenger to Hannover, the nearest airport to Salzgitter, costs too much. I hope my Uyghur-Norwegian penpal will have that info.

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    Dkram  over 12 years ago

    Good Morning Slim..Good Morning Vagabonds..A little damp here but in the 50s, might evolve into a good day..Parade tomorrow, and the Legion doing the Memoriel Service..“All gave some. Some gave all.”

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    davidf42  over 12 years ago

    Morning, Vagabonds! And happy Memorial Day weekend to you all! Thank you to all the service personnel who sacrificed themselves for our freedom. Thank you to the vets, and to the present service men and women throughout the world!

    Slim, don’t get frustrated, my friend, we’ve all been there.

    Arye, that sounds like an exciting experience. Have a nice trip.

    Yesterday we worked on the siding on the house and cleaned out the air conditioner. I think we’re going to make the big test some time today to see if the AC works. Keep your fingers crossed!

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    MontanaLady  over 12 years ago

    Good Morning, Village,

    Well……….they will be experiencing the hottest weather EVER at the Indy 500 today, and we are experiencing SNOW!!!! Can you believe it? Our poor veggie garden. We covered the tomatoes and eggplant, but there was too much to cover for all the seeds that we planted. Thank heavens we have good protection for all the babies out in the greenhouse!

    Sounds like a great trip, Arye. Got room for one more stow away in your luggage?

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    APersonOfInterest  over 12 years ago

    Happy Memorial Day weekend to all my fellow vets. and to one and all.

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    JanLC  over 12 years ago

    Rita, I read a series of books (The “Mitford” series by Jan Karon – great stories) in which the cardinal rule of spring planting was “wait until after May Day.” Looks like not even that rule would have helped.

    Arye, have a wonderful trip. And be sure to share your adventure with us when you get home!

    David, sounds like your house is almost livable now. Have you been enjoying the work as much as we’ve enjoyed reading about your progress?

    Here’s a salute to all of our veterans, active duty and reserve military and the sacrifices they make for all of us. Let us remember those who have given the ultimate gift to keep us free and safe.

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