Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for June 17, 2012

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    dkendraf  over 12 years ago

    If my Dad were still alive, this is how we’d spend it!

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    Gator007  over 12 years ago

    I love this one.:D

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    Puddleglum2  over 12 years ago

    I assume from silence that it’s actually Rose’s “Do nothing Sunday”!

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    Kydex29  over 12 years ago

    Perfect! Reminds me of the strip where Calvin asks his dad, who’s swamped with take-home desk work, to come outside and play in the snow. Dad says no, then reconsiders and goes out, and they have a ball. Last panel shows Dad with a smile, staying up ’til midnight to finish his work, getting a rare good-night kiss from his favorite 6 year-old.

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    xmudman  over 12 years ago

    A win-win for Jimbo. He gets to be a good dad, and if she’s smart, Rose will let him celebrate “do-nothing Sunday” sometime in the near future.

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    kittylover2  over 12 years ago

    What a great strip to celebrate Fathers Day,,,loving it.

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  7. 1.richard waiting
    yuggib  over 12 years ago

    Reminds me of the words to a Bobby Goldsboro song, “Watching Scotty Grow.” and words to another song that go something like, “turn around and you’re three, turn around and you’re four, turn around and you’re a young man walking out of the door.” For all of the Dadd today, enjoy some time with what makes you a Dad, your kid(s).

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  8. Makotrans
    Ketira  over 12 years ago

    Dear Abby just got a letter from someone who has a Dad like this. This is how I remember my Dad – always willing to make sure we were happy – even if we goofed up (and my brothers did plenty of that!) .

    To those of you whose fathers are still alive: Go give him a hug. He deserves one for helping to bring you into the World.

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  9. My eye
    vldazzle  over 12 years ago

    When your kids are little that is good (mine are all near 50)

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