Mrs. Angelini: you boys again?! Torturing these little kids!? Boy: no, Mrs. Angelini.... Boy: ...we were just helping these lovely children with project! Isn't that right, children? Heart: Yes, it is! In fact, you can help us right now!
Templo S.U.D. over 12 years ago
Them and the Spumanti brothers’ big mouths.
Peabody-Martini over 12 years ago
Sweet revenge.
kenwarnerfordictator over 12 years ago
Back in the day, Mrs. Angelini would have had a leather strap in her hands, and she would have used it. Today, the bullies would laugh at her, and if she did anything, she would be arrested.
Squirrelchaser over 12 years ago
There is a huge difference between ‘Abuse’ and ‘Discipline.’ The child abuse laws and children services were created for good reason, but just like everything else in this ‘land of the free,’ you give a little power to social services they will expand and abuse their power … sorry, I’ll get off the soap box now.
thisisretarded over 12 years ago
I got an occasional whupping as a kid and I don’t think it did an ounce of harm. Quite the opposite, in fact. Premium Member over 12 years ago
“Beating” kids is good parenting? Maybe not. Perhaps a well placed smack or swat on the behind with an open hand, but beating usually means a LOT more than that.
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
The project is to study the effect of baseball bats on the human brain. You can… “help”…