FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for June 05, 2012

  1. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  almost 13 years ago

    REX MORGAN: Why do I sympathize with Iris, even though she drank irresponsibly and used physical force rather than respond verbally? And didn’t the police come to the funeral parlor to question Mabel?

    APT3G: Scott should not have mentioned Margo’s name when discussiong so;utions with his father-in-law who puts the blame entirely on Margo rather than on both Scott and margo.

    MARY WORTH: How does Mary figure into this? Will she also go on the trip?

    SALLY FORTH: Yes, it is a bad time for the Forths to ask Sally’s irresponsible sister to repay the loan. At best they can forgo the loan in lieu of a wedding present, but the newlyweds may need more money owing to the fact that they can’t afford a car. And if Ralph takes a long time to walk from the bus stop why did his fiancee walk ahead of him?

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  2. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  almost 13 years ago

    Good Morning, everyone.Florchi, I’m assuming (I know about the break-down of the word assume) that you read the blurb about the strip. Below the blurb is a picture of Eda’s grandmother during ww2. She entertained the troops, then was asked to do it for the German Pows, and learn things about the Germans from the ranking German officer. She loved the American officer who got her to become a spy, and she loved the German officer, too..She married the American officer, who died after many years.after a while, she was going past a thearter and saw the former German officer was performing there. Then she saw the ex-German officer, and it was a thrilling reunion after so many decades. Now she and thr German are married.I was fortunate enough to see the whole “Spy” arc.Enough for now, I do paragraphs where i could use a few sentences? :-))

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  3. My boys
    woodworker318  almost 13 years ago

    Rex Morgan: Iris should not answer any more questions about anything without a lawyer present as she hasn’t been read her rights. Now maybe we can find out what the police wanted to talk to Mable about. I don’t think she is as squeaky clean as she seems to be.

    Mark Trail: Mark may right in his theory, but it seems too simple to me. If he’s right, he messed everything up with his tampering with evidence.

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  4. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 13 years ago

    REX MORGAN: I can’t even begin to guess as to how this story arc will end.MARK TRAIL: As I said yesterday, I am not sure that the gum wrapper is “evidence,” as there was no official collection, etc.PHANTOM & MARY WORTH: Last evening’s Nightly News had a piece showing how the Mexican drug cartels are now using small fishing boats to move their products into the U.S. by sea – there was a map showing the Calif. coast with points from the LA/Malibu area to north of Santa Barbara. Perhaps Kit Walker (Phantom) will show up in Mary’s Santa Royale before P’s Mexican crime/drug cartel storyline concludes.FUNKY W. & MARY WORTH: I was sooo disappointed when Les (FW) didn’t go to Kilimanjaro after he won a trip in the lottery. I sure hope Dawn and Wilbur DO go to on a trip to wherever it is that Giorgio lives (Italy?).JUDGE PARKER: It looks like Sam is going on a trip – I hope there is some great scenery! :-)

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  5. Missing large
    jaxxery  almost 13 years ago

    Would someone please tell me why this strip is printed in Spanish?

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  6. Pesky
    Teh Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    MARY WORTH: Wilbur’s editor has the same green chairs that Wilbur has in his study at home. MARK TRAIL: will Harris try to prevent Trail from taking his evidence to the sheriff?FUNKY W: thanks to Florchi, I haven’t forgotten the unused Kilimanjaro trip either :)JUDGE PARKER: while I thought they were just fishing for an afternoon, a two-day trip is scheduledPHANTOM: Walker will face Victor in the lucha ring. I do not know if there is a diferent translated palabra for “ring” in lucha libre.REX MORGAN: if Mabel is his client, Rex may be of no legal help to Iris

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  7. Th
    marvee  almost 13 years ago

    Rex – Rex is a medical doctor, not a lawyer, and neither Mabel or Iris is a patient. In fact, Foster wasn’t either. Rex had referred him to a specialist.Judge – If Sam hasn’t been to the lodge for a couple of years, there may be some mysterious changes.Mark Trail – As I noted before, they appear to be in a remote area. Mark better be on alert at all times.

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  8. Th
    marvee  almost 13 years ago

    My interpretation was that he thought Paige was depressed because of all her naps and seeming bored even with her dreams. Kids need school, though their reasons may not be the same of the adults’ reasons for providing it.

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  9. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 13 years ago

    @ marvee & JanCinLV: If the Pibgorn & Chickweed authors don’t want comments re their strips on Gocomics, I think it is in our best interests to respect that. As to the special characters, etc., take a look at Right now what works here for bold is an asterisk (*) before and after the word or phrase.

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  10. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  almost 13 years ago

    REX- Well we kmow the police and detective wern’t there for Iris initally, so let’s get to Mabel and her possible connection to Howards death!

    3G- Scott’s putting it mildly towards Margo- ha ha

    MW- Well he’s talking about his problem w/Dawn anyways, next is to help her.

    JP- She knows their location in case they have a problem, which I expect will unfold for a new suspense taking place.

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  11. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  almost 13 years ago

    @ ALL- THERE ARE TWO wills, Mabels attorney has one and Rex has one!!

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