Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for June 03, 2012

  1. Missing large
    Mineola  almost 13 years ago

    This is so cool! I remember back in the ’60’s, Al Capp would draw himself now and then in his Lil Abner strip. Of course the most classic was Norman Rockwell drawing himself! Great Sunday strip Jim! A new milestone.

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  2. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  almost 13 years ago

    Hah, that’s rich. Hey, Mr. Jim, here’s hoping the fish – er, ideas – are bitin’!

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  3. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  almost 13 years ago

    This will be a classic. I love it Mr Jim

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  4. Oat   character picture
    Hussell  almost 13 years ago

    annnnddddd, boom the fourth wall falls down.

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    436rge  almost 13 years ago

    Did you shave your beard off Jim?

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  6. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  almost 13 years ago

    Is this the first time Gasoline Alley artist Jim S. drew himself to appear in the comic strip?

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    jackdohany  almost 13 years ago

    Great! I’ve always wondered where the writers of comic strips get their ideas!

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    lily245pj  almost 13 years ago

    Well, get with it..meanwhile we have to wait on the comic. Goooooooooooooooooooooo.

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    Jack Straw  almost 13 years ago

    The Sunday strips are more about the artwork, anyway. If he’s fishing for Sunday ideas, he should have changed his bait a long time ago.

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  10. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  almost 13 years ago

    As long as the comic still runs until its retirement announcment…

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  11. Hmmm 02
    Fangirl  almost 13 years ago

    I hope you find an entire school of ideas, Mr. Jim.Great artwork!

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    Redhead55  almost 13 years ago

    Mr. S, I think you just hit the jackpot! :)

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  13. Me
    imrobert  almost 13 years ago

    This seems to be acknowledgement of thecomments readers make about his story arcs.

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  14. Groucho marx
    coldsooner  almost 13 years ago

    Clever and complete Mr. S. You get an “A+” for this Sunday! Whatever you’re using for bait, keep using it.

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    toonmaster  almost 13 years ago

    Yeah, but what are you gonna do NEXT Sunday?

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  16. Rudy gunmaster
    Zaristerex  almost 13 years ago

    Jim Scancarelli already has a storyline idea for his weekday strips. Lucky the cat, remember????

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  17. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  almost 13 years ago

    Nice touch.

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    jollyjack  almost 13 years ago

    I would like to see Jim “catch” a story collaborator.

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    EstrelitaH  almost 13 years ago

    I have a novel idea! How about a belated Memorial Day salute for our brave servicemen and women? In fact, that is actually something you could do EVERY year at this time of year – just like you did way back in 2007! Other possibilities include – Remembering the annual “walk in the woods” which Skeezix and Walt used to take every fall. Someone could even take a walk in the spring and look at all of the spring flowers as they burst into bloom. In February, someone could remember Walt finding Skeezix on his doorstep. Mother’s Day was May 13 and Father’s Day is coming up on June 17 – how about a belated tribute to Mothers and Fathers? FLAG DAY is coming up on JUNE 14 – could be a good time to remember some part of our country’s heritage. Not to mention, JULY 4 is right around the corner – a good time to remember the Declaration of Independence. LABOR DAY comes up on SEPTEMBER 3 – would be a good time to remember all of the folks who have kept all of the Gasoline Alley businesses thriving for the past several decades. This year, VETERANS DAY falls on NOVEMBER 3 and THANKSGIVING comes around the corner on NOVEMBER 22. Would also be nice to remember PEARL HARBOR DAY on DECEMBER 7. Then, of course, there is always CHRISTMAS on DECEMBER 25 and NEW YEAR’S DAY on JANUARY 1. Which brings up back to VALENTINE’S DAY, as well as Skeezix’s birthday in FEBRUARY. Not to mention, Presidents’ Day. I can think of a whole year-full of topics for the Sunday strips. In case Mr. Scancarelli has forgotten how to approach many of those topics, I know where I could help him find some previous strips, dealing with those very topics!

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  20. Snapshot10
    battle of plattsburgh  almost 13 years ago

    Next week, he’ll grab his shotgun and go hunting for an idea.

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  21. Th
    marvee  almost 13 years ago

    Really great strip! We see Walt, Skeezix, Corky and Clovia,+ Rufus and Joel, + Mr. Jim. But some people are never satisfied.

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  22. 100309 jerry todds donurt patch
    TheAuldWan  almost 13 years ago


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  23. Violet bay
    LiviaBay  almost 13 years ago


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    hsawlrae  almost 13 years ago

    Now, remember folks, Jim said SUNDAY page ideas. So far it seems Esrelita is the only one to have offered anything of importance, although she may have accidently left out Easter. But again, who am I to criticize…as my mind is a bit blank for ideas as well. Hope at least some us will come up with something good that will help Jim.

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  25. Bandit 2
    jhnd20  almost 13 years ago

    Great Strip Jim, Thanks!!!

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