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Preliminary GoComics StandingsAs a follow-up to yesterday, and based on very sketchy data, here is a list of the current GoComics Calvin and Hobbes numerical record holders. If you have broken one of these records, be sure to post a correction.1. Oldest comment by a current Calvin and Hobbes poster Margueritem wrote the following on July 9, 2008: “Classic stuff. I’ll never tire of reading this strip.” (Apparently, she never has.)2. Newest comment by a current Calvin and Hobbes posterHobbes wrote the following on July 21, 2012: “As a follow-up to yesterday, and based on very sketchy data, here is a list……..”3. Highest GoComics user numberThe Snoopster: #1,004,6454. User number closest to 1,000,000MagicFan: #1,000,2515. User number closest to 500,000Dha Dha: #529,4966. Lowest user numberHobbes: #16,107 (Disclaimer: I didn’t comment for the first two-and-a-half years.)7. Lowest user number by someone who got around to commenting on Calvin and Hobbes in a reasonable amount of time after joining GoComicsSaucy1121: #31,8358. Most Calvin and Hobbes posters joining GoComics in a single dayThree on July 1, 2008: Saucy1121, Margueritem, Astute Social Observer (in that order)9. Most total comments on all GoComics stripsCitizen GROG!: About 44,000 comments in 3 years10. Most total comments per year on all GoComics stripsNight-Gaunt49: About 36,000 comments in 2 years (18,000 per year)11. Youngest Calvin and Hobbes posterThe Snoopster: age 1112. Oldest Calvin and Hobbes poster(Never mind…….)13. Calvin and Hobbes poster most likely to win the lottery todayHobbes (This is my comment #1111).Click here: Peanuts (October 1, 1963)
Uh, getting back to the topic (which is, you know, TODAY’S strip, NOT the members of the forum or their statistics, which are not only irrelevant, but boring as hell to read), I have to congratulate Bill Watterson on getting 16th-Century English right, including the correct use of “thou” and its associated forms. And shut up, Calvin — some of us LIKE the classics!
@Rogue53: My purpose in posting on this site is for the enjoyment of others. Not everyone enjoys the same things, and I do not try to please everyone. But when others say that they enjoy what I post, that does not make them mindless lemmings, and it does not make my motives selfish. It is possible to do things for other people for reasons that are not self-centered.
@Rogue53: There is a major difference between stating an opinion and making a personal attack. legaleagle48 and demtrug stated their opinions but they did not make personal attacks.You stated that some posters on this site are lemmings. That is a personal attack on them.You also unfairly accused me of selfish motives, seeking praise and flattery. That is a personal attack on me.You have made similar statements about the “mindless lemmings” and about my motives perhaps 30 times previously, over the past two years.
I enjoy all the positive comments on the forum, sensicle or non…as long as they aren’t degrading others and it’s somewhat on topic. If Hobbes wants to post stats about this forum…that’s cool. It’s about the posters therefore it’s on topic, indirectly. I enjoy the banter until names get tossed out…
<< rogue53 said: “My goodness, don’t get your panties in a bunch. Please, get over yourself. I stated it wasn’t a personal attack, but of course you think the entire site is for you, so you take it as such.” >>What sayest thou, young rogue53? Can there yet remain some false accusation that thou hast not endlessly repeated?
Hey! This’ll be my first comment ever so here is some stuff about me!(But before I start, Rogue53, leave Hobbes alone. What did he ever do to you?)- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – Username:If only I had a brain
Fav. Color: Wait, why is this second? If I say black, will I be banned from Gocomics forever?
Height: Under 7 feet
Weight: Over 140 pounds
Favorite food: M & Ms (Yo, preschool teachers, they’d make a great snack for your classmates, they learn colors and has a mystery letter on it every time.)
Biggest fear: Mom catching me drink milk straight from the carton
Favorite subject: Dodge ball
What I want to be when I grow up: Taller
Where I want to be when I grow up: Far away from my brother
Motto: “NOT IT!”
Earliest Memory: When I bought…uh…aw nuts I forgot
Where my Name comes from: The scarecrow song in “The lizard of oz” ( it was either that or “I love Garfield 2012”)
Favorite Movie: Any Romance movie (Except skinless in Seattle.)
Favorite book: Harry Potter and the goblet of fire sticker book
Biggest crush: This isn’t the teen people website. My lips are zipped.
Happiest moment of my life: When I got up to world 1-2 in MARIO IN 3-D LAND
Saddest moment of my life: When The day My mice died (They were named “Artur” and “Superfang”)
Favorite Holiday: Let’s see, On Easter, i eat eggs until I barf up, On Valentines day, I never get a card (What’s a girl to do?), on Christmas, we have to act nice to each other and don’t get me started on earth day. It’s a toss up of all 4.
If I had million dollars: I’d pay Hobbes and Rogue 53 to stop fighting!!!!!
I discovered the comic in the library when I was 17 (year 2000) and loved it. I put a copy of one strip in the break room which was really popular with the librarians. Since then I actually bought some copies, though all but one has been stolen. :-(
<<<It would be hard to top Bugs Bunny’s shakespeare, such as“Hark, what light through yonder window breaks”— and he throws a rock through the window.>>>
OK Calvin, time to go find some trouble for thou to get into. You too Hobbs……oh wait, I see thou has already gotten hisself into a pickle. See what happens when thou tries to do something nice for people.
@furnituremaker,The KJV has been revised six times since 1611. There are about 500 archaic words, but people can find the meanings in a good dictionary. I look up words from various reading materials just to clarify definitions and further develop a decent vocabulary. The Bible is meant to be studied, not just read.In general, I think people have a negative mindset about the KJV. Most of it really is not particularly difficult to understand, besides which, I believe the KJV is more accurate than other versions, as well as majestic in style.However, since there are many opinions and points of view on the subject “To Each His Own”, I suppose. Here is my favorite benediction:“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. AmenJude 23,24 :o)
The oldest is long in the tooth, forsooth!But don’t take it hard,I speak like the bard.Verily, verily, I say unto youth!Hereto is the following,as long as I’m wallowing:“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?I’m down in the bushes; the rose trellis broke!”
Hobbes, you aren’t detailed enough. 95472 in the Peanuts strip is the zip code for Sebastopol, California where Schulz moved when he first arrived with his family in Sonoma County. The family compound was called Coffee Grounds, as it was on Coffee Lane.
(For Thomas Scott Roberts, in defiance): Methink-eth Calvin doth a fabuleth job in hith Thakethpearean-eth mockery! Tho thmart-eth! (Just can’t help taking the pith out of Grammar Nazi’s! :—)
Now to wax contemporary:
@Hobbes – ignore the angry, passive-aggressive person who seems unaware that his speech patterns are abusive (tho betwixt you and I, it does cause wonder at the home life, wink, wink).
@rogue53 – please go get some help; if nothing else, in polite manners in a room full of people you don’t know.
I’m an adult now, but I started reading Calvin and Hobbes when I was about 9. I’m glad you have discovered this comic so young- it’s sometimes startling to realize there are kids who don’t know about this comic.
<< SandyShore said: "How do you people get paragraphs and spaces and why does my comment box squash everything unless I add a smiley face? >>Hi SandyShore. Not sure about the box squashing your comments. Maybe it’s unhappy about something? You might try another one of the free browsers, like Firefox or Opera. Where there’s a will, there’s a way (or has someone already said that?)To insert a blank line:Type in the four characters < b r > with no spaces between them, on a separate line.
Hobbes I’m glad you did not include me for number of posts, be hard to live up to the high number. Since I’m taking on-line classes and I’m midway through, I could not keep up.
@Katiekicks and @Snoopster: It’s great to have both of you on this site. There are a lot of people here who have been enjoying the comics ever since they were kids.
Clique:Group, circle, faction, elite; “Birds of a Feather”.If this is what you’re striving for, . . . you’re there. If it’s not, . . . you’re still there.
@imrobert: Thanks for the Sebastapol zip code connection. I was in Sebastopol last fall and drove by the old Schulz estate. The family has sold it, but it still says, “The Coffee Grounds” out front. That’s where Charles Schulz lived and worked from 1958 to 1972, when the popularity of Peanuts was exploding.
It says in the "Calvin And Hobbes Sunday Pages 1985 – 1995 on page 19 (Quote) "Since “Calvin and Hobbes, I’ve been teaching myself how to paint, and trying to learn something about music. I have no background in either subject, and their are certainly days when I wonder what made me trade proficency and understanding in one field for clumsiness and ingnorance in these others” So, he doesn’t say exactly what he’s doing, but you get a general idea. Hope this helps! I’ll try and find out more! : )
@cookies333: I’ll bet there are some more kids, but some of them may not be allowed to give their ages. I know that we have had other kids here in the past.I assume that you, The Snoopster, and Katiekicks know that young people shouldn’t give their real names or other information that could be used to identify you.There are probably fewer kids discussing Calvin and Hobbes than some other strips, because some Calvin and Hobbes strips bring up some pretty complex topics in this discussion forum, which would put a lot of kids to sleep. My guess is that the three of you get pretty good grades in school.
@♥Kab♥ Buch: I should have put you on the list for having the most amazing improvement in your writing abilities in only one year. I remember that you have been working very hard taking classes.
@Rogue53: You are running out of standard attack techniques and word-manipulation methods. You referred to me as “one poster” today, repeating the exact same things that you have said directly to me, by name, countless times in the past. The meaning was totally transparent to me and others on this site, plus it was in the context of agreeing with someone who didn’t like my posting. Similarly, attacking someone, while at the same time saying that it is not an attack, doesn’t make it so.
@Number 6: Thanks for the Andy Capp picture. I remember when Reg Smythe asked me to pose for that one, but I never saw how the finished drawing came out.
Willy Shakespeare liked his beer…he liked it cold or hot…he liked it in the evening, in the morning he did not…he looked around and saw the crown had ale and all what not…he said, by gum, I’ll try some rum and then became a sot…
@Linda Dean: Welcome! If you haven’t read some of the Calvin and Hobbes strips, you are one of the fortunate few who can enjoy them for the first time. I predict that, over time, you will come to really enjoy the strip – if we don’t all drive you nuts in the meantime.
Language is in constant evolution, and that is something great. It is quite natural not to understand your own language written centuries before. I sure hope this is because of language’s natural evolution and not because of a culture abandoning the art of writing. English is such a rich and poetic language, and although I do not follow closely modern English literature, it would be sad to simplify written language to the point of being a dull, although practical, combination of words.
PixieJane — I think I taught there. from 1997 to 2001, You describe the place I taught well. But then again East Texas has more places like that than expected.
@rogue53: You seem baffled by some aspects of normal human relationships, and in particular, friendships. I offered to be your friend long ago, but you weren’t interested. Now, because of your ongoing hostile and judgmental behavior, you seem to have no friends on this site. It is a self-imposed isolation. It seems like you have difficulty believing that people can be kind and genuine, without hidden motives. The fact that there are a few bad people on the Web, as there are in other areas of life, doesn’t mean that the rest of us are that way.
Welcome, CrazyIrishOperaGirl. If you look at tomorrow’s comments (Sunday), I wrote an explanation for Dogsniff on how I came up with the numbers. You would be the fourth youngest so far, since we have two 11-year-olds and a 13-year-old. But I assume there are other kids who aren’t allowed to give their ages. We’ve had others in the past.
@CrazyIrishOperaGirl: I just saw your question at the end of Friday’s comments, which you posted on Sunday. (Usually people here don’t read back that far.) Click on your name in blue in your comment above this one, and it will open your profile page. The URL at the top of that page says You are user number 1,001,825.
@Hobbes – I am 68, born on October 27, 1943. @Puddleglum – the New King James Version is eminently readable – I often noodle around in several different translations to get the “flavor” of a particular passage. Since you seem to be a bit of a scholar, here’s a NT quote I have been trying to locate: “…suffering is required of your brotherhood…” Can you help me?
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Sciatic over 12 years ago
Thyself hath been inspired.
I have been reading for a while and with all the comments about numbers I decided to join the conversation.
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
I didn’t make the list?
torn newspaper over 12 years ago
what is the single comic strip with the most comments
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@leftwingpatriot: Let us know if you win the lottery today, and you’ll make the list.
Ervin Johnson over 12 years ago
Doest thou really neededth a cop show, Calvin, when thou can — oh forget it, she’s not turning the channel!
legaleagle48 over 12 years ago
Uh, getting back to the topic (which is, you know, TODAY’S strip, NOT the members of the forum or their statistics, which are not only irrelevant, but boring as hell to read), I have to congratulate Bill Watterson on getting 16th-Century English right, including the correct use of “thou” and its associated forms. And shut up, Calvin — some of us LIKE the classics!
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Click here: Pearls Before Swine (December 7, 2008)
Sciatic over 12 years ago
Shows like CSI: Miami are extremely cheesy
rentier over 12 years ago
Gratulation, Snoopster, we should celebrate this! A bunch of flowers for You!
margueritem over 12 years ago
That was a lot of research, Hobbes!
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@margueritem: It was easier than trying to come up with a good one-liner about Shakespeare.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Dogsniff: Heh Heh.But I repeat myself……….
Wiseguy411 over 12 years ago
Speaking of non-sensical old english ….
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe.
Linux0s over 12 years ago
Pretty sure I have 44 thousand posts too. No wait, looks like I misplaced the decimal point. I have 4.4 posts here.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Rogue53: My purpose in posting on this site is for the enjoyment of others. Not everyone enjoys the same things, and I do not try to please everyone. But when others say that they enjoy what I post, that does not make them mindless lemmings, and it does not make my motives selfish. It is possible to do things for other people for reasons that are not self-centered.
anushcbe over 12 years ago
nice play for son & mom.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Rogue53: There is a major difference between stating an opinion and making a personal attack. legaleagle48 and demtrug stated their opinions but they did not make personal attacks.You stated that some posters on this site are lemmings. That is a personal attack on them.You also unfairly accused me of selfish motives, seeking praise and flattery. That is a personal attack on me.You have made similar statements about the “mindless lemmings” and about my motives perhaps 30 times previously, over the past two years.
Donriess over 12 years ago
I enjoy all the positive comments on the forum, sensicle or non…as long as they aren’t degrading others and it’s somewhat on topic. If Hobbes wants to post stats about this forum…that’s cool. It’s about the posters therefore it’s on topic, indirectly. I enjoy the banter until names get tossed out…
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
<< rogue53 said: “My goodness, don’t get your panties in a bunch. Please, get over yourself. I stated it wasn’t a personal attack, but of course you think the entire site is for you, so you take it as such.” >>What sayest thou, young rogue53? Can there yet remain some false accusation that thou hast not endlessly repeated?
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Johnny Diego… but we like you.. …(sniffle)
If only I had a brain over 12 years ago
Hey! This’ll be my first comment ever so here is some stuff about me!(But before I start, Rogue53, leave Hobbes alone. What did he ever do to you?)- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – Username:If only I had a brain
Fav. Color: Wait, why is this second? If I say black, will I be banned from Gocomics forever?
Height: Under 7 feet
Weight: Over 140 pounds
Favorite food: M & Ms (Yo, preschool teachers, they’d make a great snack for your classmates, they learn colors and has a mystery letter on it every time.)
Biggest fear: Mom catching me drink milk straight from the carton
Favorite subject: Dodge ball
What I want to be when I grow up: Taller
Where I want to be when I grow up: Far away from my brother
Motto: “NOT IT!”
Earliest Memory: When I bought…uh…aw nuts I forgot
Where my Name comes from: The scarecrow song in “The lizard of oz” ( it was either that or “I love Garfield 2012”)
Favorite day: Saturday
Unfavorite day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Favorite animal: A Hippopotas
My most embarrassing moment: My life’s an Embarrassment!
Favorite time of the day: TV time
IQ: 69 (No one said I had to be smart.)
Talent: That I can remember My friend’s phone numbers
Something totally useless I know:1,456,784 Ă— 345,923 = 503,935,091,632 (You asked)
Favorite Movie: Any Romance movie (Except skinless in Seattle.)
Favorite book: Harry Potter and the goblet of fire sticker book
Biggest crush: This isn’t the teen people website. My lips are zipped.
Happiest moment of my life: When I got up to world 1-2 in MARIO IN 3-D LAND
Saddest moment of my life: When The day My mice died (They were named “Artur” and “Superfang”)
Favorite Holiday: Let’s see, On Easter, i eat eggs until I barf up, On Valentines day, I never get a card (What’s a girl to do?), on Christmas, we have to act nice to each other and don’t get me started on earth day. It’s a toss up of all 4.
If I had million dollars: I’d pay Hobbes and Rogue 53 to stop fighting!!!!!
watmiwori over 12 years ago
The clock hath long since stricken, and t’is time for Calvin toshog off and knit up his ravelled sleave**** of care.
It was spelt that way on the van….
janerhynn over 12 years ago
Just out of curiosity, how did you get into C&H?
I discovered the comic in the library when I was 17 (year 2000) and loved it. I put a copy of one strip in the break room which was really popular with the librarians. Since then I actually bought some copies, though all but one has been stolen. :-(
Sandy Shore over 12 years ago
<<<It would be hard to top Bugs Bunny’s shakespeare, such as“Hark, what light through yonder window breaks”— and he throws a rock through the window.>>>
Love it.
Stick some Looney Tunes on for Calvin.
Sandy Shore over 12 years ago
How do you people get paragraphs and spaces and why does my comment box squash everything unless I add a smiley face?
woodwork over 12 years ago
yet, people swear by the KJ Bible, which is, basically, notunderstandable by modern readers…go figure
rentier over 12 years ago
<My God, just I wanted regret, for I can’t understand everything, but, perhaps it’s better so!!!
battle of plattsburgh over 12 years ago
To some of today’s commenters: Me thinks thou doust protest too much……or something like that.
kamwick over 12 years ago
Really good strip…never get tired of C&H.
Number Three over 12 years ago
I love Calvin’s face in the last panel!
Karaboo2 over 12 years ago
OK Calvin, time to go find some trouble for thou to get into. You too Hobbs……oh wait, I see thou has already gotten hisself into a pickle. See what happens when thou tries to do something nice for people.
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
@furnituremaker,The KJV has been revised six times since 1611. There are about 500 archaic words, but people can find the meanings in a good dictionary. I look up words from various reading materials just to clarify definitions and further develop a decent vocabulary. The Bible is meant to be studied, not just read.In general, I think people have a negative mindset about the KJV. Most of it really is not particularly difficult to understand, besides which, I believe the KJV is more accurate than other versions, as well as majestic in style.However, since there are many opinions and points of view on the subject “To Each His Own”, I suppose. Here is my favorite benediction:“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. AmenJude 23,24 :o)
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
The oldest is long in the tooth, forsooth!But don’t take it hard,I speak like the bard.Verily, verily, I say unto youth!Hereto is the following,as long as I’m wallowing:“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?I’m down in the bushes; the rose trellis broke!”
imrobert over 12 years ago
Hobbes, you aren’t detailed enough. 95472 in the Peanuts strip is the zip code for Sebastopol, California where Schulz moved when he first arrived with his family in Sonoma County. The family compound was called Coffee Grounds, as it was on Coffee Lane.
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
(For Thomas Scott Roberts, in defiance): Methink-eth Calvin doth a fabuleth job in hith Thakethpearean-eth mockery! Tho thmart-eth! (Just can’t help taking the pith out of Grammar Nazi’s! :—)
Now to wax contemporary:
@Hobbes – ignore the angry, passive-aggressive person who seems unaware that his speech patterns are abusive (tho betwixt you and I, it does cause wonder at the home life, wink, wink).
@rogue53 – please go get some help; if nothing else, in polite manners in a room full of people you don’t know.
bizaker over 12 years ago
I’m an adult now, but I started reading Calvin and Hobbes when I was about 9. I’m glad you have discovered this comic so young- it’s sometimes startling to realize there are kids who don’t know about this comic.
Katiekicks over 12 years ago
Well, I’m barely a teenager Snoopster. I’m 13
Sandy Shore over 12 years ago
Fear not! I have bought books for the younger ones of my family. The legend lives on.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
<< SandyShore said: "How do you people get paragraphs and spaces and why does my comment box squash everything unless I add a smiley face? >>Hi SandyShore. Not sure about the box squashing your comments. Maybe it’s unhappy about something? You might try another one of the free browsers, like Firefox or Opera. Where there’s a will, there’s a way (or has someone already said that?)To insert a blank line:Type in the four characters < b r > with no spaces between them, on a separate line.
kab2rb over 12 years ago
Hobbes I’m glad you did not include me for number of posts, be hard to live up to the high number. Since I’m taking on-line classes and I’m midway through, I could not keep up.
cookies333 over 12 years ago
Your 11? So, am I!
cookies333 over 12 years ago
@The Snoopster
Are we the only two 11 year olds? Wow I thought there’d be more kids!
pedalflower over 12 years ago
All’s well that ends well, y’all.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Katiekicks and @Snoopster: It’s great to have both of you on this site. There are a lot of people here who have been enjoying the comics ever since they were kids.
sonnygreen over 12 years ago
Clique:Group, circle, faction, elite; “Birds of a Feather”.If this is what you’re striving for, . . . you’re there. If it’s not, . . . you’re still there.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@imrobert: Thanks for the Sebastapol zip code connection. I was in Sebastopol last fall and drove by the old Schulz estate. The family has sold it, but it still says, “The Coffee Grounds” out front. That’s where Charles Schulz lived and worked from 1958 to 1972, when the popularity of Peanuts was exploding.
cookies333 over 12 years ago
I am 11 and a half 6 months I am not allowed to give my birthday though
cookies333 over 12 years ago
It says in the "Calvin And Hobbes Sunday Pages 1985 – 1995 on page 19 (Quote) "Since “Calvin and Hobbes, I’ve been teaching myself how to paint, and trying to learn something about music. I have no background in either subject, and their are certainly days when I wonder what made me trade proficency and understanding in one field for clumsiness and ingnorance in these others” So, he doesn’t say exactly what he’s doing, but you get a general idea. Hope this helps! I’ll try and find out more! : )
Saucy1121 Premium Member over 12 years ago
For the young ones looking for more of the same, you might check out Big Nate. A lot of tweens/young teens comment there.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@cookies333: I’ll bet there are some more kids, but some of them may not be allowed to give their ages. I know that we have had other kids here in the past.I assume that you, The Snoopster, and Katiekicks know that young people shouldn’t give their real names or other information that could be used to identify you.There are probably fewer kids discussing Calvin and Hobbes than some other strips, because some Calvin and Hobbes strips bring up some pretty complex topics in this discussion forum, which would put a lot of kids to sleep. My guess is that the three of you get pretty good grades in school.
thirdguy over 12 years ago
If we were to vote someone off of our “Island” it wouldn’t be Hobbes, it would be you!
thirdguy over 12 years ago
I am sorry if that sounded harsh, but my point is, that I appreciate Hobbes comments. Your comments, not so much.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@♥Kab♥ Buch: I should have put you on the list for having the most amazing improvement in your writing abilities in only one year. I remember that you have been working very hard taking classes.
hobbwi2 over 12 years ago
Thou doth whatever! I prefer the cop whow where they talk like real people!
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Rogue53: You are running out of standard attack techniques and word-manipulation methods. You referred to me as “one poster” today, repeating the exact same things that you have said directly to me, by name, countless times in the past. The meaning was totally transparent to me and others on this site, plus it was in the context of agreeing with someone who didn’t like my posting. Similarly, attacking someone, while at the same time saying that it is not an attack, doesn’t make it so.
joegeethree over 12 years ago
Obviously, some people need to get a life.
Sandy Shore over 12 years ago
“Commenting on other people’s comments”?Isn’t that just another way to say …conversation?
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Number 6: Thanks for the Andy Capp picture. I remember when Reg Smythe asked me to pose for that one, but I never saw how the finished drawing came out.
:>)Sandy Shore over 12 years ago
Welcome to the dark side, Linda Dean.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Number Six: Great job at Andy Capp, all week long. Really clever. Thanks.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Dogsniff: Heh, Heh, Heh.
calvinsfriend110 over 12 years ago
Mom wants to watch in peace.
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
Willy Shakespeare liked his beer…he liked it cold or hot…he liked it in the evening, in the morning he did not…he looked around and saw the crown had ale and all what not…he said, by gum, I’ll try some rum and then became a sot…
bluegirl285 over 12 years ago
I never did get this strip, even after learning Shakespeare, and in fact I still don’t…
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Linda Dean: Welcome! If you haven’t read some of the Calvin and Hobbes strips, you are one of the fortunate few who can enjoy them for the first time. I predict that, over time, you will come to really enjoy the strip – if we don’t all drive you nuts in the meantime.
:>)P.S. Is that avatar your real photo?juanandresbyrne over 12 years ago
Language is in constant evolution, and that is something great. It is quite natural not to understand your own language written centuries before. I sure hope this is because of language’s natural evolution and not because of a culture abandoning the art of writing. English is such a rich and poetic language, and although I do not follow closely modern English literature, it would be sad to simplify written language to the point of being a dull, although practical, combination of words.
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
how close to Center or Lufkin were you?
decoy91288 over 12 years ago
PixieJane — I think I taught there. from 1997 to 2001, You describe the place I taught well. But then again East Texas has more places like that than expected.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@rogue53: You seem baffled by some aspects of normal human relationships, and in particular, friendships. I offered to be your friend long ago, but you weren’t interested. Now, because of your ongoing hostile and judgmental behavior, you seem to have no friends on this site. It is a self-imposed isolation. It seems like you have difficulty believing that people can be kind and genuine, without hidden motives. The fact that there are a few bad people on the Web, as there are in other areas of life, doesn’t mean that the rest of us are that way.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@PixieJane: No, I think that memoir was written by some other rogue author.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Welcome, CrazyIrishOperaGirl. If you look at tomorrow’s comments (Sunday), I wrote an explanation for Dogsniff on how I came up with the numbers. You would be the fourth youngest so far, since we have two 11-year-olds and a 13-year-old. But I assume there are other kids who aren’t allowed to give their ages. We’ve had others in the past.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@CrazyIrishOperaGirl: I just saw your question at the end of Friday’s comments, which you posted on Sunday. (Usually people here don’t read back that far.) Click on your name in blue in your comment above this one, and it will open your profile page. The URL at the top of that page says You are user number 1,001,825.
BradMcM over 12 years ago
Forsooth but that was funny. (To mix/miss the metaphor).
khpage over 12 years ago
The couch looks like it has a really bad case of acne…
khpage over 12 years ago
@Hobbes – I am 68, born on October 27, 1943. @Puddleglum – the New King James Version is eminently readable – I often noodle around in several different translations to get the “flavor” of a particular passage. Since you seem to be a bit of a scholar, here’s a NT quote I have been trying to locate: “…suffering is required of your brotherhood…” Can you help me?
mrcomicsfan over 12 years ago
I must post a correction: I am the newest poster
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@mrcomicsfan: Yeah, I’m having a hard time keeping that “newest comment” statistic up-to-date.
snoopy323 over 12 years ago
me im not even 13