Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for July 08, 2012

  1. Kenny
    The Nihilist  over 12 years ago

and where did the boat end up exactly?

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    Varnes  over 12 years ago

    Pauly want a crocker? Pauly want a cocktail? Dang it! Michigan doesn’t have anything like ‘gators. It’s almost impossible to get et around here

Wiley, can I buy you a round A square? I love ya, man


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    Varnes  over 12 years ago

    Wiley, thanks for the new word, anoesis. What a rush! Oh, and great water in panel one

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    Cofyjunky  over 12 years ago

    I love reading their accents. I have fam in Boston, so I grew up thinking Fords were pronounced ‘Fahds’. lol!

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    Alabama Al  over 12 years ago

    No less believable than the story of a Confederate ironclad ship loaded with gold winding up in western Africa in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Hollywood actually made a movie about that.

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    roctor  over 12 years ago

    Flo’s prayra was ansahd when she refused tha freebie.

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    Elderflower  over 12 years ago

    I love how the cat stays on his shoulder.

    Having gone through the archives of “Lost Side of Suburbia” I cannot see Captain Eddie now without remembering his cameo in the stories of Derringdo Dan. Those two have much in common.

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  8. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 12 years ago

    Aaaya, by jeesum, I guess ole Cap’n Eddie ain’t gonna finish his stahry.

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  9. Bgfcvvesve4ipojsr
    Gokie5  over 12 years ago

    “(The Denver Post) threw both ‘Non Sequitur’ and ‘Doonesbury’ out, because of their ‘political’ position(s). . .”As I mentioned elsewhere, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel threw out “Non Sequitur” and “Doonesbury” because they lost in a reader popularity poll. At about that time, the Milwaukee NPR jettisoned classical music, and the MKE full-time jazz station changed to rock or some such. . . .

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    Can't Sleep  over 12 years ago

    Not for the first time, I wish I knew where Offshore Flo’s diner is. If the food is half as good as the conversation, it’d be worth the trip!

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    gosfreikempe  over 12 years ago

    Sorry, my friend, but I have to take issue with you. Chiropractic isn’t a sbstitute for anything; it should be part of sound, sensible medical care. Chiropractic isn’t a cure-all, but it can help with musculo-skeletal injuries (such as whiplash and pinched nerves) better than regular physicians can. I can walk better because of the heel lift my chiropractor recommended; the physicians never noticed that my right leg is longer than the left. One the other hand, thanks for the heads-up. Now I’ll know what paper to avoid if I ever visit Denver!

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  12. 03 head in universe
    Vonne Anton  over 12 years ago

    Love the Congo Rivah panel, and
call me dense, but never realized the cat was named Paulie.

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    gosfreikempe  over 12 years ago

    Oh, my
 Okay, that’s not the sort of chiropractic care I’d be looking for either. :) REAL chiropractors are great; and honest ones will refer their patients to general practitioners or orthopedic surgeons as needed. My chiropractore also has massage therapists in the same offices; I’ve had a half-hour therapeutic massage, then a chiropractic treatment, and felt SO much better afterwards. As for the Post, it’s easy to avoid; just like I can avoid the only local paper here. I just don’t read ’em.

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  14. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  over 12 years ago

    there no esis like ano-esis!

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