Remember, this is set in the 1960s, Back before [WARNING: banned expression] global warming, it was done frequently. With practice, some could even cross an asphalt road, if they avoided the bubbling parts. The danger of a crushed tin can is getting cut by a torn spot..
Who needs shoes walking around in the yard or to the neighbor’s house. At 58 I go bare foot all the time (at home.) In 100 degree temps last Saturday, I got the mail out of the curb side box bare foot Yes it was hot, but no reason to require shoes, just do not stay in one place very long. The trick to kicking a can bare foot is low impact velocity followed by quick acceleration.
Catfeet Premium Member over 12 years ago
A lively game of “kick the can” just isn’t what it used to be!
SoItBegins~ over 12 years ago
His foot feels like it’s kicked the bucket.
comicgos over 12 years ago
Okay “hermit rock” is over my head!
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
As kids, we play that game once. Only once. Thank to Tink’s powerful legs, we lost the can.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
That’s what you get for kicking the can in your bare feet.
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
Who walks barefoot on the sidewalk in the summer anyway?
hippogriff over 12 years ago
Remember, this is set in the 1960s, Back before [WARNING: banned expression] global warming, it was done frequently. With practice, some could even cross an asphalt road, if they avoided the bubbling parts. The danger of a crushed tin can is getting cut by a torn spot..
Ermine Notyours over 12 years ago
This is set in the 1960s, back before sheltering parents.
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
I grew up past the 80s and sometimes went without shoes. Now I think it’s gross and wish my parents had insisted I put shoes on.
oldguy2 over 12 years ago
The old ‘rock-in-a-can’ trick.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
Red are you ok?
maybeinthenextworld over 12 years ago
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
TexMichael over 12 years ago
Who needs shoes walking around in the yard or to the neighbor’s house. At 58 I go bare foot all the time (at home.) In 100 degree temps last Saturday, I got the mail out of the curb side box bare foot Yes it was hot, but no reason to require shoes, just do not stay in one place very long. The trick to kicking a can bare foot is low impact velocity followed by quick acceleration.
cheap_day_return over 12 years ago
Better leave that to the politicians, Red!