Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for July 05, 2012
Vicki: A pint of cinnamon cayenne crunch! Worker: Sorry... Worker: We don't carry it! Vicki: What is your most rebellious flavor? Worker: Radical Rocky Road! Vicki: Does it have a kick? Worker: has tiny chocolate bits Rose: Just give me a scoop of vanilla. Worker: One unruly rogue, coming up!
dkendraf over 12 years ago
Maybe that could become the new Ben & Jerry’s?
Weakstream over 12 years ago
Bluebell ice cream still rules.
NE1956 over 12 years ago
Heavenly Hash is the best, but it’s regional, so it just means more for me.
justalurkr over 12 years ago
These days, just eating ice cream with real cream and sugar in it is as rebellious as I get. The fake stuff is so VERY fake, I just do without.
bear77 over 12 years ago
BlueBell Ice cream rules
notinksanymore over 12 years ago
I like Edy’s Slow Churn. It’s smooth and creamy…comes in cookie dough…yummm…I think it’s off to the grocery store for me! =)
pierreandnicole over 12 years ago
I created my own flavor at The Turkey Hill Experience in May…‘Minty Macadamia’. You get to make a video too!!! Lots of fun.
Doctor11 over 12 years ago
I like carmel in my ice cream. ’course I also like cookie dough and mint chocolate.
dkendraf over 12 years ago
I prefer Lochmead or Tillamook ice cream to any others out there, but B&J is sometimes the only one brave enough to test out new flavors.
tbritt99 over 12 years ago
Didn’t Burger King just come out with a bacon sundae?
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
Radical Rocky Road doesn’t work for Vicki the Biker; there’s way too jounce and jolt!
Aslan Balaur over 12 years ago
Gives me an idea for something to try and make!
8arkay over 12 years ago
Cinnamon cayenne crunch sounds yummy. Take a base of butter pecan, and add more pecans that were toasted in butter, cinnamon and cayenne. In fact, I’m gonna do just that.
dragonhavn over 12 years ago
Gotta admit, i do Bryer’s regardless of pricing since it’s pretty much the all natural I can get here … i haven’t had the nerve to try to match what my parents did back when I was a kid with the ice cream maker … but then, i discovered that vanilla ice milk was the equivalent of store bought ice cream … and better …. go figure.
MLHoenig over 12 years ago
Ah, Blue Bell…we eat all we can, and we sell the rest.
From the little creamery in Brenham.
Tin Roof Sundae…
And the only ice cream that gives Blue Bell a run for its money is Blue Bunny, and specifically, their Chocolate Champion.
Sans Blue Bell availability here in the Omaha ’burbs, Chocolate Champion rules!
MLHoenig over 12 years ago
Terri Brittingham: Believe it or not, Denny’s Restaurants had a Bacon Caramel Sundae back in June 2011!
I wasn’t brave enough to try it…
Hbeschizza over 12 years ago
Rosemary and goat milk gelato is my love.
corjo2 over 12 years ago
I got to try a couple flavors with a kick while visiting the Tabasco plant near Baton Rouge.
HareBall over 12 years ago
I avoid anything to do with ben and jerry’s. The advocate people to class warfare and don’t care that they are part of the class that they are trying to get the ows idiots to go to war against.
lunalovegood1001 over 12 years ago
Hey, the hair from the back of her head behind her arms was filled in…
hk Premium Member over 2 years ago
Blue Bell, anything with chocolate, no mint, add cayenne roasted pecans, some dark chocolate habanero syrup and top with whipped cream. Amazing kick.