Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for July 29, 2012

  1. Buttons
    puckerpuss  over 12 years ago

    Some similarities with the first Angeltop story, perhaps contrived revenge runs in the family. What alsways struck me as to why Flattop was the best Dick Tracy story was the extended chase. Flattop went more and more into the dark side to avoid capture and his escape ended with his demise. Fighting with the doctors trying to help him after he was shot in throat was a perfect symbol. Somewhat similar with Flattop Jr, the law didnā€™t catch him, his conscious did. Iā€™d love to see the team make an extended chase the way they expanded the Mr Crime story. Mrs Flattop looks like a real heart stopper.

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  2. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  over 12 years ago

    Good morning allā€¦

    Why isnā€™t anyone panicking over Tracyā€™s whereabouts?

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  3. Heraldexaminer jiggs
    Buzza Wuzza  over 12 years ago

    We only need to see that much of Leonard to know heā€™s okay. Iā€™m still digging seeing a guy who was such a huge rat of a bad guy going straight. Mrs. Flattop seems nice and kookie and should give DT his moneyā€™s worth as far as death traps go. So all is going well here in the Sunday Funnies!

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  4. Tennant
    doctor075  over 12 years ago

    WOW! Sam without a cigarette!Darn those hospitals and their fresh air policies!;>)

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  5. Missing large
    cpalmeresq  over 12 years ago

    Already the answers to questions everyone has been asking ā€“ Lizz is recovering & Leonard is still looking out for her. Glad to see someone noticed Tracy is missing! Also, glad to see that the operation was to remove buckshot & not to perform plastic surgery. Dick Locher did that story already!

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  6. Buttons
    puckerpuss  over 12 years ago

    I did not mean contrived in a bad way- kidnapping Dick Tracy to kill him in the exacty same spot in same one-in-a-million manner as your father died is sort of contrived. How tough is Mrs. Flattop on her own or on the run? Does she have a car with a stove? Inginuity runs in the family.

    Happy to see Leonardā€™s promise from what, 50 years ago made true at whatever cost. Great work all around, best material to me since the later 70s.

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  7. Heraldexaminer jiggs
    Buzza Wuzza  over 12 years ago

    @puckerpussWhat made Flattop such an excellent bad guy was also his over inflated ego and sense of style. He really thought he was the best and made us think so too. Chester Gouldā€™s writing in that storyline was so over the top great. He had Flattop hiding in a chimney and also setting a guy on fire in an alley. And then Vitamin Flintheart showed up and it got even crazier.

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  8. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 12 years ago

    Iā€™ve always wondered what being in the top ten always meantā€¦.. yawn.

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  9. Heraldexaminer jiggs
    Buzza Wuzza  over 12 years ago

    Oh yeah, almost forgot. The only guy who ever wear a jacket like the one in the Crimestoppers panel is Mastermind from the Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants!

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  10. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  over 12 years ago

    lots of action

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  11. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 12 years ago

    Nice bunch of Get Well cards for Lizz already accumulating, plus Leonard Finney by her bedside! At least Sam is beginning to worry about Tracyā€™s whereabouts; the carjacked ambulance might provide a clue or two if Stilettaā€™s boys, Franz and Hugo, havenā€™t hidden or disposed of it. And, nice of the baddies to remove that buckshot from Dickā€™s shoulder: he might at least be on his way to healing up before they try to kill himā€¦.

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  12. Missing large
    cpalmeresq  over 12 years ago

    I must confess that, as much as I love this strip (and Iā€™ve been reading it since the early sixties), I kind of lost track of it during the Max Allan Collins era (maybe around the time of the 1st appearance of Putty Puss), which I think is about the same time that it was dropped from the Detroit Free Press comics pages. There was no internet & I didnā€™t think to get a subscription to the Chicago Tribune, so I was Tracyless. But when I heard that this current team would be taking over the helm, I did indeed make an effort to find this strip on GoComics, and I enjoy it to this day.That being said, I want to say that I have diligently read each readersā€™ comment over the past year+, and I find myself compelled to say something about Dick Locher.Being curious (brought about by so many comments made about the gentlemanā€™s tenure), I decided to use some of my spare time to read as much of his work as history would allow (10 years ā€“or- more).Now, I will freely admit that some stories did seem to drag on, and while most Sunday strips seemed to be a re-cap of the week, Monday strips seemed sometimes to be a re-cap of Sunday.But, for all those years that this gentleman had control of the Dick Tracy comic strip, he never gave up. He kept it running with his own interpretation. He obviously had a love of the character. As I understand it, the gentleman went through his own real & personal losses. But, he never gave up on Tracy.My point is this: What if he HAD quit, just let this strip go & there was no one waiting in the wings at that time to take over. What are the odds that someone would have RE-STARTED Dick Tracy after an absence of a few years . I donā€™t think it could have been done. But the fact that this gentleman kept going, kept the concept alive until Mike & Joe were ready to take the reins should be applauded.So I say, Thank You, Mr. Locher, for you dedication, and for all you did that allows us to read this great strip today.

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  13. Frankblack
    tconstantine900  over 12 years ago

    I realize pitching story ideas is a no can doā€¦but what about Crimestoppers topics? Wouldnā€™t mind seeing something on car theft & extended roadtrip/travel precautions.

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  14. Headshtgrinder
    Mdstudio  over 12 years ago

    Kinda strange that the team isnā€™t more upset about Tracyā€™s kidnapping. We know heā€™s getting medical attention but they donā€™t. How long has it been since he was snatched? Long enough for Lizz to start receiving cards in the hospital at least.

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  15. Groucho marx
    coldsooner  over 12 years ago

    Instead of ā€œHugoā€ I wish they had named him ā€œHanz.ā€ Too much of an SNL reference I suppose. Thatā€™s okay, Team Tracy has proven to have a good sense of humor, and Iā€™m sure we will see more of it from time to time.

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  16. Missing large
    EOCostello  over 12 years ago

    An aside: I wonder if Leonardā€™s activities qualify him for a pardon, which would wipe his criminal record.

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  17. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 12 years ago

    8:17 am and iā€™m number 19? WOW! lol!

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  18. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 12 years ago

    oh yeh, one little complaint/peeve.. can we get lizz to look a bit LESS like fritz ann please? when i started reading the strip this morning i thought it was fritz ann in the hospital, and it didnt hit me until littlefacā€¦.erm, Leonard called her detective worthington that i realized it was lizz. ā€œback in the dayā€ she had a very distinctive lookā€¦ all curves and a somewhat slender face and a GREAT hairstyle, these days its tough to tell her apart from fritz annā€¦tho i DO like joeā€™s homage to fletcher/collinsā€™(?) style of making her eyes. oh and another thing.. up until it was mentioned here in the strip recently, i NEVER knew lizzā€™s last nameā€¦ wonder if she has a blond haired blue eyed relative that hangs out in westchester county, upstate new york named WARREN ;) lol

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  19. Odd spots 002
    sydney  over 12 years ago

    Well Timmy, since you are in complaining mode you might as well ADD in, asking for Lizzā€™s correct last name. Believe it became ā€˜Grove, when she married Groovy (from what would be his death bed), in December of 1984.Worthington was her 1st husbandā€™s (Jimmyā€™s) last name !

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  20. Th
    marvee  over 12 years ago

    Would buckshot be the usual ammo in a situation like this? Iā€™m thinking it was meant to be nonlethal so they could carryout a long painfula end well aware of who and why.

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  21. Missing large
    cpalmeresq  over 12 years ago

    Thanks, Rene Tray! Didnā€™t think anyone had read my comments.

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  22. Ukrane
    JP Steve Premium Member over 12 years ago

    So somebody must have been aware Tracy was shot, and that he was taken away in an ambulance. Now Tracy is missing and an ambulance has been carjacked and Sam is only wondering what happened?

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  23. Missing large
    rdennetteiii  over 12 years ago

    So is Leonard on parole? The guard said he paid his debt to society didnā€™t he? That usually means served his time I thoughtā€¦if so, no paroleā€¦still canā€™t carry a firearm or vote though, unless his civil rights were restoredā€¦is this right?

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