Jeez Louise, the only thing Dale doesn’t have down there is some dynamite, although I don’t know what all that stuff will make when mixed together. Looks like he’s got Damocles’ whole collection there on the wall along with a coupla gallons of acid.It is heartening to see the brave Civil Defense Captain huddling in a basement whilst Crustwood blows away.And don’t worry, Timmy, it’ll be over real quick; you won’t suffer much.What’s that going on next to Burl’s butt? Are those vapors? Has Burly-boy gotten just a little bit too scared. If so, then Tim and Dale may want that window broken out real quick.
Sound the alert! Everybody clear out of Crustwood!
No, not the storm, sillies…You’ll need to run right out INTO the storm to get away from that basement death trap!
Mikie … Damocles came to my mind too.
But the sword was hung over his head to show him the dangers of leadership.Not something our cowardly human stink bombs will ever have to worry about.
Yes, X, some of that stuff does go into Brain Bleach (shhh) ….so we’re used to working with it safely…One good rule is “No overhead muriatic acid!”Sounds kinda simple when you say it out loud, doesn’t it?
Honestly, though…. we don’t put in nails, other sharp objects… or anything approaching the toxicity of the fumes from Burl’s feet, not to mention his…. er… other emissions.
Yes- not sure what is the worst thing there: all the sharp objects, potential projectiles of nails and glass or a mixture of pool acid with solvents and strong cleaners. The fact that they would store all that on such a flimsy table or that they would expect the table in any case to protect them..My house does not really afford a great shelter anywhere either; it has no basement. I decided on the powder room-mostly because the main plumbing stack is in the wall that adjoins my laundry closet. In the case of tornado chimneys and plumbing stacks usually remain of destroyed buildings.
No, I see no lye either; I used that once over at a friend’s house when she taught us to make lye soap out in her garden with her flock of pretty chickens running around.
1. The CD Captain doesn’t have shoes on so his feet will get trashed walking through the debris field.2. I don’t think those arre fumes from Burl’s posterior. My guess is spider (Brown Recluse?) webs.3. I am more than sure that these morons didn’t turn off the natural gas where it enters the house so the dryer will become a hazard.4. Knowing this group…they’re not in the basement….rather the cheap plywood add-on that was there when he bought the dump.
if any bleach gets near that muriatic acid, they’ll have trouble. we had to evacuate our work place once because some idiot thought it would be a good idea to mix the two to clean with.
x_Tech over 12 years ago
Susan, Marg, aren’t those some of ingredients of Brain Bleach?
Laura Gildwarg over 12 years ago
Oh, good grief! I get the collywobbles just LOOKING at that scenario! Sheeeeesh!
mikie2 over 12 years ago
Jeez Louise, the only thing Dale doesn’t have down there is some dynamite, although I don’t know what all that stuff will make when mixed together. Looks like he’s got Damocles’ whole collection there on the wall along with a coupla gallons of acid.It is heartening to see the brave Civil Defense Captain huddling in a basement whilst Crustwood blows away.And don’t worry, Timmy, it’ll be over real quick; you won’t suffer much.What’s that going on next to Burl’s butt? Are those vapors? Has Burly-boy gotten just a little bit too scared. If so, then Tim and Dale may want that window broken out real quick.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
OMG — I should have gotten here sooner….
Sound the alert! Everybody clear out of Crustwood!
No, not the storm, sillies…You’ll need to run right out INTO the storm to get away from that basement death trap!
Mikie … Damocles came to my mind too.
But the sword was hung over his head to show him the dangers of leadership.Not something our cowardly human stink bombs will ever have to worry about.
Yes, X, some of that stuff does go into Brain Bleach (shhh) ….so we’re used to working with it safely…One good rule is “No overhead muriatic acid!”Sounds kinda simple when you say it out loud, doesn’t it?
Honestly, though…. we don’t put in nails, other sharp objects… or anything approaching the toxicity of the fumes from Burl’s feet, not to mention his…. er… other emissions.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
And looking at those guys in that position makes me need a dose of my own Brain Bleach STAT!
Marg is out of town….. but X, can you make sure a tanker is on the way, pretty please?
I know she’ll agree with the expense when we have an emergency (and sales opportunity) like this.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
The thought of them getting nailed to their hiding place while the acid spills out of the container almost puts a smile on my face.
ekw555 over 12 years ago
I cannot decide if the fumes are coming from Burl’s feet or from his butt.I HAVE decided that I am glad that I will never know for sure.
InTraining Premium Member over 12 years ago
Love the scene outside…. ! ! !.RCA Dryer…? ? ?
vldazzle over 12 years ago
Yes- not sure what is the worst thing there: all the sharp objects, potential projectiles of nails and glass or a mixture of pool acid with solvents and strong cleaners. The fact that they would store all that on such a flimsy table or that they would expect the table in any case to protect them..My house does not really afford a great shelter anywhere either; it has no basement. I decided on the powder room-mostly because the main plumbing stack is in the wall that adjoins my laundry closet. In the case of tornado chimneys and plumbing stacks usually remain of destroyed buildings.
vldazzle over 12 years ago
No, I see no lye either; I used that once over at a friend’s house when she taught us to make lye soap out in her garden with her flock of pretty chickens running around.
finale over 12 years ago
1. The CD Captain doesn’t have shoes on so his feet will get trashed walking through the debris field.2. I don’t think those arre fumes from Burl’s posterior. My guess is spider (Brown Recluse?) webs.3. I am more than sure that these morons didn’t turn off the natural gas where it enters the house so the dryer will become a hazard.4. Knowing this group…they’re not in the basement….rather the cheap plywood add-on that was there when he bought the dump.
loveslife over 12 years ago
And the women are probably in a closet with a mattress over them?? it’s safer than where POOR Timmy is. Why did he get stuck in the basement anyway??
Elderflower over 12 years ago
if any bleach gets near that muriatic acid, they’ll have trouble. we had to evacuate our work place once because some idiot thought it would be a good idea to mix the two to clean with.
comicnut4636 over 12 years ago
I don’t know how close they live to were Gasoline Alley is but O have a feeling Slim’s car maybe headed that way. Just a “heads up”!!!
shamest Premium Member over 12 years ago
why do would they save glass chips ??
lily245pj over 12 years ago
You think?