Some moms do, others don’t. Mine always “found something for me to do to take my mind off it”—usually chores. Either that or she’d spend an hour telling you how easy you had it, and how tough she did. You learned to wear a happy face regardless of how you felt.
sometimes moms know everything, and sometimes they don’t. and, one time, a texas mom superglued her toddler’s hands to the wall after beating up the toddler with a milk jug.
@Tacopielver: I haven’t had clinical depression, but I know someone who has. What I’ve figured out is that it’s very difficult for someone who doesn’t have clinical depression to even imagine what life is like for someone who does. I hope you have a good doctor and a good friend. And always keep on reading the comics. But maybe not the political cartoons…… Good luck.
Hi cookies333. Glad you enjoy them. I seemed to have a lot of favorite comics that related to today’s Calvin and Hobbes. Must be a very common theme in the comics. I only chose eight of them to share. I think eight is a new record for one day.
@cookies333: It’s a lot of……….. work. But I’m really lucky to have a career that is meaningful and that I really enjoy, so that most of the time it doesn’t really seem like work. When you think about how much of your life you spend at work, who wants to spend it doing something meaningless, or something they don’t really enjoy, just to collect a paycheck?It’s sort of like asking, who would want to spend their entire life just eating food to survive, without enjoying warm chocolate chip cookies once in a while?
“The most terrifying loneliness is not experienced by everyone and can be understood only by a few. I compare the panic in this kind of loneliness to the dog we see running frantically down the road pursuing the family car. He is not really being left behind … but for that moment n his limited understanding, he is being left alone forever, and he has to run and run to survive.” ?
@Pteranodon: Yes, Charles Schulz struggled with loneliness all of his life, but especially when he was overseas during World War II. His strips about summer camp are often related to his loneliness during the war, which also coincided with the loss of his mother. Here is a summer camp strip that relates to your quotation:Click here: Peanuts (June 17, 1966)
I hope those commenters who complain about Calvin’s parents being so mean to him will remember this strip. His Mom can be very understanding and loving.
I understand Calvin perfectly. Some crunchy peanut butter on low salt Ritz crackers, Sam’s Club diet caffeine free cola, and the right show on cable and baby, I’m set….
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
Yes, they do.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Click here: Peanuts (August 19, 1952)
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
Calvin put himself into a timeout.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Click here: Peanuts (August 17, 1980)
Linux0s over 12 years ago
Yep, Mom’s should get a degree.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Click here: Peanuts (January 9, 1964)
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Click here: B.C. (March 11, 2012)
rentier over 12 years ago
Yes, she does!
RetroJenny over 12 years ago
Indeed she does.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Click here: Peanuts (September 27, 1965)
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Click here: Pearls Before Swine (August 6, 2009)
Sciatic over 12 years ago
moms are the best
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Click here: Peanuts (October 7, 1955)
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Click here: Peanuts (July 5, 1996)
ratlum over 12 years ago
O how moms can turn gloom into smiles .With kind words,milk and cookies,I wish I had that now sometimes.
arye uygur over 12 years ago
Crackers near the livingroom couch equals crumbs in the furniture. In my home only the dinette and the kitchen are for eating.
sparkle 13 Premium Member over 12 years ago
Don’t they though?
orinoco womble over 12 years ago
Some moms do, others don’t. Mine always “found something for me to do to take my mind off it”—usually chores. Either that or she’d spend an hour telling you how easy you had it, and how tough she did. You learned to wear a happy face regardless of how you felt.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
You were saying, Calvin? On the subject of Peanuts, when wasn’t Lucy in a crabby mood?
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
It’s in the genes
orinoco womble over 12 years ago
True. That was her plan C, if chores and guilt-tripping failed. I believe it was called “You wanna grumble, here’s a reason.”
Phapada over 12 years ago
Just Love Mom….?
Purple Ninja over 12 years ago
My mom doesn’t want to deal with me when I’m in a bad mood.
The#1BoiseStateFan over 12 years ago
I think Calvin got bullied by Moe, plus, while Hobbes is out of the picture, he comments or brings us strips. @MagicFan: Happy birthday!
PoodleGroomer over 12 years ago
A perfect grump spoiled.
vwdualnomand over 12 years ago
sometimes moms know everything, and sometimes they don’t. and, one time, a texas mom superglued her toddler’s hands to the wall after beating up the toddler with a milk jug.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Tacopielver: I haven’t had clinical depression, but I know someone who has. What I’ve figured out is that it’s very difficult for someone who doesn’t have clinical depression to even imagine what life is like for someone who does. I hope you have a good doctor and a good friend. And always keep on reading the comics. But maybe not the political cartoons…… Good luck.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hi cookies333. Glad you enjoy them. I seemed to have a lot of favorite comics that related to today’s Calvin and Hobbes. Must be a very common theme in the comics. I only chose eight of them to share. I think eight is a new record for one day.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@cookies333: It’s a lot of……….. work. But I’m really lucky to have a career that is meaningful and that I really enjoy, so that most of the time it doesn’t really seem like work. When you think about how much of your life you spend at work, who wants to spend it doing something meaningless, or something they don’t really enjoy, just to collect a paycheck?It’s sort of like asking, who would want to spend their entire life just eating food to survive, without enjoying warm chocolate chip cookies once in a while?
Pteranodon over 12 years ago
Q. Can you guess who said,
“The most terrifying loneliness is not experienced by everyone and can be understood only by a few. I compare the panic in this kind of loneliness to the dog we see running frantically down the road pursuing the family car. He is not really being left behind … but for that moment n his limited understanding, he is being left alone forever, and he has to run and run to survive.” ?
A. The author of Peanuts.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Pteranodon: Yes, Charles Schulz struggled with loneliness all of his life, but especially when he was overseas during World War II. His strips about summer camp are often related to his loneliness during the war, which also coincided with the loss of his mother. Here is a summer camp strip that relates to your quotation:Click here: Peanuts (June 17, 1966)
Number Three over 12 years ago
LOL LOL… Excellent!
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hi CrazyIrishOperaGirl. Nice to see you back. But then, I haven’t been around all that much lately, either.
bmonk over 12 years ago
Don’t you hate it when someone spoils a fine bad mood? It’s enough to get me grumpy. . . .
MysteryCat over 12 years ago
I hope those commenters who complain about Calvin’s parents being so mean to him will remember this strip. His Mom can be very understanding and loving.
angusdad over 12 years ago
Sometimes they know what to say and do to make it all better.
fficht over 12 years ago
it is law, that you get one last meal on death row.
amaryllis2 Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Susan Newman: I’m so sorry. My mom would give us a hug and a good book.
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
This coddling won’t last forever, Calvin, enjoy it while you can.
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
Mom struck preemptively in a positive way.
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
Calvin needs a mood ‘swing’ when Moe is messing with him.
TELawrence over 12 years ago
Of course she does, Calvin. It’s part of the job.
mousiemay232 over 12 years ago
every mom knows all about their kids
mousiemay232 over 12 years ago
it’s in their genes
khpage over 12 years ago
I understand Calvin perfectly. Some crunchy peanut butter on low salt Ritz crackers, Sam’s Club diet caffeine free cola, and the right show on cable and baby, I’m set….
calvinsfriend110 over 12 years ago
Yes, she sure does!
38lowell over 12 years ago
They were talking to each other. Coyotes are depressed because they have no owners, doggie bowl, or a leash for walks. Plus, nobody pets them!
garfieldrulez77 over 12 years ago
These are reruns, right?
Pfumphum over 11 years ago
Mothers know everything. Which makes them wonderful.
WilliamLikesGarfield 9 months ago