Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for September 02, 2012
Goat: Hey there, Pig. I hear you got a new mattress. Mind if I have a look? Pig: Sure. It's one of those memory foam ones. Goat: Ohhh. These are supposed to be great. Do you like it? Pig: No. It's bad. Goat: Bad how? Bed: And remember the time everyone but you got a valentine and you cried all the way home? Pig: Bad memories. Bed: Oh, and remember the time you split your pants playing tetherball??
The#1BoiseStateFan over 12 years ago
Tempurpedic: the highly most dumb founded bed in America.(not really, it’s soft as heck)
Sherlock Watson over 12 years ago
Does that mattress have any memories of Sweet Fanny?
Sherlock Watson over 12 years ago
BTW, that is one krazy picture in panel 2.
ChrissyT over 12 years ago
Give the mattress to Rat. I’d love to see what the mattress would say about him.
SarahPlain over 12 years ago
Pig wore pants?
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Pig should have bought a dumb mattress instead of a smart one!
finale over 12 years ago
At least he didn’t get the singing one that goes on and on with that Andrew Lloyd Weber song..@rf_eq; You’re probably correct (Thanks for the Memories).
hariseldon59 over 12 years ago
Memories, like the corners of my mind …
killacowinWA over 12 years ago
Did he get it from the planet Squornshellous Zeta? (I appreciate whoever gets the reference)
spirit42 over 12 years ago
Pastis remember all those guys (and girls) who beat you up in high school? They were trying to help you.
Varnes over 12 years ago
Thanks, for the mammaries…
Varnes over 12 years ago
Attn: Dorothy Lamore…
Thanks for the mammaries, The big ones and the small,On women short and tall The kind that bounce,The kind that sway,The kind that will come out to play,Oh, thank you, so much….
eddie6192 over 12 years ago
Knowing Rat, he’s probably taunting that dumb Pig.while hiding under the bed.
DalDorlasman over 12 years ago
I didnt know it was memory foam- I thought rat was hidden in there talking to pig.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Good eyes, Sherlock!
All you comics fans don’t recognise Krazy Kat?
Greyhame over 12 years ago
Greyhame over 12 years ago
Greyhame over 12 years ago
Oh, and the picture is, of course, Krazy Kat.
jcomics52 over 12 years ago
George Herriman rocks.
gordrogb Premium Member over 12 years ago
So, what would have happened if he had gotten the Sleep Number bed? Not number TWO I hope.
jpsomebody over 12 years ago
I have a chair made with memory foam and every time I eat burritos I can hear it pray for amnesia.
ossiningaling over 12 years ago
@Sarah Plain – Pig stopped wearing pants BECAUSE they split
GypsyWoman over 12 years ago
I wouldn’t want my mattress to remember things I did on it.
hariseldon59 over 12 years ago
Maybe Pig should have put a bag over his head when Goat said “mattress”. (Let’s see if anyone gets that reference.)
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
I sure don’t want my mattress telling any tales on me..
Vora_Lundar over 12 years ago
@hariseldon23“And did those men, in ancient times…”
Vora_Lundar over 12 years ago
I meant @hariseldon59
UsernameUsername1234 over 12 years ago
Pig doesn’t wear pants. How could he split them?
Number Three over 12 years ago
LOL LOL. Funny!
Poor Pig…
wykstrad over 12 years ago
“And the memory foam is incredibly supportive.”
“Remember when you had dreams of being a serious actor, and now you’re the narrator for infomercials that have never brought any real joy to anyone anywhere?”
“You can put a glass of wine on this side of the mattress, jump up and down on the other, and not a drop will spill!”
“If I had your career prospects, I’d be drinking that wine. Of course, it won’t help you blot out the memories, because I’ll still be here. I’ll always be here. I come with a lifetime warranty.”
Hectoruno over 12 years ago
What is wrong with Goat? If I started a conversation with, “I heard you got a new bed. May I see it?” It is almost a up line.
tent163phantoka over 12 years ago
I hope I never have a mattress like this. or any kind of talking mattress.
m.l. over 12 years ago
MartyLikeIts1991 about 4 years ago
Goat makes that face in pretty much every strip. (I wonder why)
LOAFY about 4 years ago
Yeah but don’t all mattresses do that???
Boxo croco says happy derby over 3 years ago
So he went wa wa wa all the way home