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Thanks for the mammaries,The big ones and the small,On women short and tall.The kind that swing,The kind that sway,The kind that can come out play….Oh….thank you….soooo much…
Oh………c’mon! Florence is just toying with Harold, now that he’s getting somewhat forgetful. Harold hasn’t said anything all morning! Now, he’ll spend the rest of the day trying to remember a train of thought that never even left the station.
And Florence has the rest of the day to herself. Perhaps she’ll take Brutus out for a test flight…
Tuesday, August 21, 2012, was a rousing success and day of celebration…what with Monkeyblues’ victory and birthday…and the brief visit of our first resident adventurer and explorer, Essex60 (who, hopefully, will stop by whenever he has a layover at Ballard Airport). And, everybody did a tremendous job and took their civic duty as seriously as they should.
Special thanks to Susan Sunshine for her talented signage work and the tastiest birthday cake going! To Storm for organizing the parties and keeping everything going and an amazingly efficient clean-up! To beviek for her organizing EVERYTHING that was organizable, and then still insisting on worrying and pitching in even when injured in action! Speedy recovery to you, Bev !!
Also, much gratitude to Linguist for supervising the polls, contributions to the campaign fund and especially, contributions to the party fare!! To Redkaycei Repoc , for providing great music and organizing transportation! (That fancy car has to go back today, Red, but they said we could have it again on the Ballard County Sheriff Inauguration Day.)
A BIG thank-you to x-Tech for all the tech support throughout the campaign and for supplying emergency exclamation points to Susan Sunshine, without which she would have been stopped in her tracks!
And, thanks to all who made the extra effort to get out there and VOTE for the best candidate (Monkeyblues , of course!) Essex60 , via absentee ballot; IMudd, who ventured out of the Berkshire Mts. in eastern Ballard County; happyathome, representing the Northwest Ballard Territory, Molly McGee, a staunch supporter who just may enter the political arena herself!
And, to BatPug and Lt. Horatio Canine, who both put in countless overtime hours and volunteered to work for free, well, the new Sheriff couldn’t ask for a better staff! (I’m going to have to borrow some extra exclamation points from SS ….hope she still has some left !!! .)
Please, if I’ve inadvertently excluded someone, feel free to add the list.
NOW…….. stop partying this instant. I just received word from the BSCounty Commissioners: they’ve scheduled the swearing-in of the new Sheriff on Labor Day!! That means a swearing-in ceremony, parade and inauguration ball to plan….in a week and a half!!! (those exclamation points were the last I have — glad I saved them. memo:MUST contact SS or x-Tech. ) Now, as I understand it, because it’s a holiday, we do have until tomorrow at 5pm (PT) to petition for a new date. So, there you have it. It’s been a flurry of activity all summer, and I think we’ll all need a vacation after this.
7:30 (pst) in the morning and there are 22 people are amazinggoing to have to try to keep up with you today. this could be a fun ride…: )
Some of the homes on BS have the super speedy “Thrusto!” stair elevator installed, made by NASA using advanced traction technology from the space program. They are guaranteed to whisk you up to the top floor before you forget what you were going up there for!
Huh?Oh….. everybody’s awake already….what time is….OH!!Oh NO!I’m already late!!!!
Not much time for anything right now…except coffee. MUST have coffee.Thank you Stel, and thanks to you too….We all worked hard on this election…one more big event is a piece of cake.
No, Monkey…. the event won’t literally be a piece of chocolate cake.I saw you perk up your ears.
There’s plenty of birthday cake left at Bev’s, unless you already…Oh, I guess you did.
Ok we can have another cake at the inauguration.Banana or chocolate?Don’t worry, Bev…. everything will coalesce.Thanks so much for extending yourself in spite of….No no, NOT for extending yourself on the sidewalk.
That you must stop doing!
Thank you to x_Tech, too…. for keeping me exclamation-pointed, and as glued-together as possible under the circumstances.Never know what I’d do without you
Stel…. were the County Commissioners still drunk or hung over when they scheduled that date?
I know Commissioner Murray, for one, is a large dog but he really can’t hold his liquor worth a Milkbone.I saw him at the party trying to get Miss Millie HM to dance with him, stepping on her feet, and being a nuisance.
The human commissioners weren’t in much better shape. at the time.
Personally, I don’t mind a ceremony on Labor Day..but such events usually take place on the courthouse steps with a full compliment of court officials, most of the police department, civic officers….
OH!! That’s it!
I was going to say “all of whom would have to be paid overtime.”
The commissioners have been agitating for more than their token salaries… but the measure was once again rejected at the polls…
Now they want get back at Ballard County.
Please let’s petition for Tuesday instead.
Normally there would be a private swearing-in in council chambers almost immediately after all the votes are counted and tallied….even though it was a landslide, there’s sill protocol.
That should happen by tonight, but we don’t need to worry, as the Monkey has been Acting Sheriff for months, and can still perform any official duties in that capacity till Tuesday.
I’ve ordered the new badge for Sheriff MonkeyBlues…It’s supposed to be ready Friday but Tuesday gives extra insurance.
Is that OK with everybody?Red, will that work for the car?
Gawd… Ah cant ex plane how ya’ll have wormed the crock cockles ov mah hart…!!! What a teem…!!!! Ah wish ah had the tyme to thank each of ya personly…. an only hav a fiew minits to chek in rite now… Tuesday’s gud… Esses donashuns fer teddy bares is gud… (them dakeris the uther nite wuz gud too Red!!!) Ever think is gud sew far… an, um… ah nose ah gots lots ov hard werk ta dew in teh comin days n weaks n monts…. one idem of note… Ah gots ta mayke a trip to teh mountins of Orangostan over teh Lay Burr day weak end an gonna gits no connexshun evin wit mah saddle lite trans midder… so’s ahl have ta leave sumwon in charge… an ah don’t thinks Batpug is qwite up ta speed so… if’n ya’ll wanna mayk rekomendashuns or ah cud voluntold sum buddy ta ware mah boots… hey… they gits ta drive the new BS Countee Shariff rig… aka the new MunkyBluesMobile!!! as ah din’t like teh new shiney one, this wuns got stile!!! (ah gots it off a dude named Elwud in Joliet on e-bay… its got reel loud syrun to!!!)
OMG…thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (oh…I took the whole top line, but whine now they don’t look the same! Clearly, I’m a novice at this.)
Thank you, x_Tech ! I guess I’ll just use some of the smaller ones for now, and work up gradually to the bolder ones….
cant yall see mah postin frum an our ago…???Tuesdays gud…!!!an… an… ahm hopin one of yall wud step up an ahl depyutize sum won… (since Batpug an Lt Canine cain’t type out shiff reports an tickets without hep…!!)
Everyone is marching to their own drummer tonight, it appears. In an effort to organize, we’re coming apart at the seams (but we should be used to that).
If you used that loud siren on the Blessed Mother of Acceleration, you’d get everyone’s attention, I’m sure! You’ve got mine, anyway.
(I just read through my previous post and found that I was hovering dangerously close to bithering idiocy!)
Lt. Canine just reminded me of the same thing! ie: no thumbs!I never gave it a thought!
Anyway, you know you can always count on me to keep an eye on things…but, not in an official capacity, since the other businesses do take up a lot of time. But, behind the scenes, when I can….I’ll be there. And, whoever will be taking your place will have my support.
Oh Mrs Bev…!! It wuz a wunnerful song!!!Thanx sooooo much!!!!! It wuz awzum!!!!+++++Thanx ms Stel!!!!! Ah saw that cruzer an ah had to have it!!!!++++++++Ah wuz woreyd Mah posts wuznt gitten thru… Hah!!!!Maybe Ahl leave you in charj wen ahm gon!!!!
Not the Board of Commissioners, of course…just on board with the Tuesday swearing-in, as I originally suggested.
Monkey, we heard your transmission just fine….
it’s just that Stel and I were talking, and we weren’t sure whether you meant you’d be back late Monday night,
Since you think Tuesday’s OK, that’s great!
Bev …. how are you feeling? We have 10 days… please don’t push yourself too hard till you’re rested.
X — I seem to be forever thanking you!Thanks again!Glad to have some ¡’s for when I get excited in Spanish!And they’re good ones…some of the cheap ones are really just i’s but these are genuine ¡’s !!
Can’t tell you how many times I’ve lost a long and involved post, so I sure know how frustrating it is. That’s when you’ve got to take a break! Feel better, kiddo!
Linguist over 12 years ago
There are three things that go when you reach my age. The first is your memory and … I forgot the others.
Steve Bartholomew over 12 years ago
Know the feeling.
margueritem over 12 years ago
This is real life. Happens every day at my house.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Speaking of Storm, she’s running me ragged. I am going home to give me liver a rest. Talk to you all later.
Superfrog over 12 years ago
I often come to the PC to look something up, but when I can’t remember what it was, I read the comics.
shalt over 12 years ago
Varnes over 12 years ago
Thanks for the mammaries,The big ones and the small,On women short and tall.The kind that swing,The kind that sway,The kind that can come out play….Oh….thank you….soooo much…
magicwalnut over 12 years ago
Oh, dear! This is happening to me more a d moreofte these days…sometimes in mid-sentence. Now, where was I…….?
StelBel over 12 years ago
Oh………c’mon! Florence is just toying with Harold, now that he’s getting somewhat forgetful. Harold hasn’t said anything all morning! Now, he’ll spend the rest of the day trying to remember a train of thought that never even left the station.
And Florence has the rest of the day to herself. Perhaps she’ll take Brutus out for a test flight…
Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago
“I forgot” = “You weren’t paying attention the first time and I don’t feel like saying it all again.”
StelBel over 12 years ago
Tuesday, August 21, 2012, was a rousing success and day of celebration…what with Monkeyblues’ victory and birthday…and the brief visit of our first resident adventurer and explorer, Essex60 (who, hopefully, will stop by whenever he has a layover at Ballard Airport). And, everybody did a tremendous job and took their civic duty as seriously as they should.
Special thanks to Susan Sunshine for her talented signage work and the tastiest birthday cake going! To Storm for organizing the parties and keeping everything going and an amazingly efficient clean-up! To beviek for her organizing EVERYTHING that was organizable, and then still insisting on worrying and pitching in even when injured in action! Speedy recovery to you, Bev !!
Also, much gratitude to Linguist for supervising the polls, contributions to the campaign fund and especially, contributions to the party fare!! To Redkaycei Repoc , for providing great music and organizing transportation! (That fancy car has to go back today, Red, but they said we could have it again on the Ballard County Sheriff Inauguration Day.)
A BIG thank-you to x-Tech for all the tech support throughout the campaign and for supplying emergency exclamation points to Susan Sunshine, without which she would have been stopped in her tracks!
And, thanks to all who made the extra effort to get out there and VOTE for the best candidate (Monkeyblues , of course!) Essex60 , via absentee ballot; IMudd, who ventured out of the Berkshire Mts. in eastern Ballard County; happyathome, representing the Northwest Ballard Territory, Molly McGee, a staunch supporter who just may enter the political arena herself!
And, to BatPug and Lt. Horatio Canine, who both put in countless overtime hours and volunteered to work for free, well, the new Sheriff couldn’t ask for a better staff! (I’m going to have to borrow some extra exclamation points from SS ….hope she still has some left !!! .)
Please, if I’ve inadvertently excluded someone, feel free to add the list.
NOW…….. stop partying this instant. I just received word from the BSCounty Commissioners: they’ve scheduled the swearing-in of the new Sheriff on Labor Day!! That means a swearing-in ceremony, parade and inauguration ball to plan….in a week and a half!!! (those exclamation points were the last I have — glad I saved them. memo:MUST contact SS or x-Tech. ) Now, as I understand it, because it’s a holiday, we do have until tomorrow at 5pm (PT) to petition for a new date. So, there you have it. It’s been a flurry of activity all summer, and I think we’ll all need a vacation after this.
congratulations to our new sheriff, monkeyblues%%(note: %=temporary exclamation point)
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
7:30 (pst) in the morning and there are 22 people are amazinggoing to have to try to keep up with you today. this could be a fun ride…: )
Logical Duck over 12 years ago
Some of the homes on BS have the super speedy “Thrusto!” stair elevator installed, made by NASA using advanced traction technology from the space program. They are guaranteed to whisk you up to the top floor before you forget what you were going up there for!
StelBel over 12 years ago
Oh, Red, what a relief…especially with the week-end coming!!!!
Tom Falco over 12 years ago
And there you have my parents.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Huh?Oh….. everybody’s awake already….what time is….OH!!Oh NO!I’m already late!!!!
Not much time for anything right now…except coffee. MUST have coffee.Thank you Stel, and thanks to you too….We all worked hard on this election…one more big event is a piece of cake.
No, Monkey…. the event won’t literally be a piece of chocolate cake.I saw you perk up your ears.
There’s plenty of birthday cake left at Bev’s, unless you already…Oh, I guess you did.
Ok we can have another cake at the inauguration.Banana or chocolate?Don’t worry, Bev…. everything will coalesce.Thanks so much for extending yourself in spite of….No no, NOT for extending yourself on the sidewalk.
That you must stop doing!
Thank you to x_Tech, too…. for keeping me exclamation-pointed, and as glued-together as possible under the circumstances.Never know what I’d do without you
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
A bit of official business:
Stel…. were the County Commissioners still drunk or hung over when they scheduled that date?
I know Commissioner Murray, for one, is a large dog but he really can’t hold his liquor worth a Milkbone.I saw him at the party trying to get Miss Millie HM to dance with him, stepping on her feet, and being a nuisance.
The human commissioners weren’t in much better shape. at the time.
Personally, I don’t mind a ceremony on Labor Day..but such events usually take place on the courthouse steps with a full compliment of court officials, most of the police department, civic officers….
OH!! That’s it!
I was going to say “all of whom would have to be paid overtime.”
The commissioners have been agitating for more than their token salaries… but the measure was once again rejected at the polls…
Now they want get back at Ballard County.
Please let’s petition for Tuesday instead.
Normally there would be a private swearing-in in council chambers almost immediately after all the votes are counted and tallied….even though it was a landslide, there’s sill protocol.
That should happen by tonight, but we don’t need to worry, as the Monkey has been Acting Sheriff for months, and can still perform any official duties in that capacity till Tuesday.
I’ve ordered the new badge for Sheriff MonkeyBlues…It’s supposed to be ready Friday but Tuesday gives extra insurance.
Is that OK with everybody?Red, will that work for the car?
Got a client SOON …
See you all later!
and again….Congratulations Monkey!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Gawd… Ah cant ex plane how ya’ll have wormed the crock cockles ov mah hart…!!! What a teem…!!!! Ah wish ah had the tyme to thank each of ya personly…. an only hav a fiew minits to chek in rite now… Tuesday’s gud… Esses donashuns fer teddy bares is gud… (them dakeris the uther nite wuz gud too Red!!!) Ever think is gud sew far… an, um… ah nose ah gots lots ov hard werk ta dew in teh comin days n weaks n monts…. one idem of note… Ah gots ta mayke a trip to teh mountins of Orangostan over teh Lay Burr day weak end an gonna gits no connexshun evin wit mah saddle lite trans midder… so’s ahl have ta leave sumwon in charge… an ah don’t thinks Batpug is qwite up ta speed so… if’n ya’ll wanna mayk rekomendashuns or ah cud voluntold sum buddy ta ware mah boots… hey… they gits ta drive the new BS Countee Shariff rig… aka the new MunkyBluesMobile!!! as ah din’t like teh new shiney one, this wuns got stile!!! (ah gots it off a dude named Elwud in Joliet on e-bay… its got reel loud syrun to!!!)
x_Tech over 12 years ago
And just in case…
StelBel over 12 years ago
@ x_Tech
OMG…thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (oh…I took the whole top line, but whine now they don’t look the same! Clearly, I’m a novice at this.)
Thank you, x_Tech ! I guess I’ll just use some of the smaller ones for now, and work up gradually to the bolder ones….
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
cant yall see mah postin frum an our ago…???Tuesdays gud…!!!an… an… ahm hopin one of yall wud step up an ahl depyutize sum won… (since Batpug an Lt Canine cain’t type out shiff reports an tickets without hep…!!)
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
…while I’m gonn fer Lay Burr day an such…
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Helloooooo…!!! Kan ya here me…???!!!
StelBel over 12 years ago
@ Sheriff Monkeyblues
Everyone is marching to their own drummer tonight, it appears. In an effort to organize, we’re coming apart at the seams (but we should be used to that).
If you used that loud siren on the Blessed Mother of Acceleration, you’d get everyone’s attention, I’m sure! You’ve got mine, anyway.
(I just read through my previous post and found that I was hovering dangerously close to bithering idiocy!)
StelBel over 12 years ago
@ Sheriff Monkeyblues
Lt. Canine just reminded me of the same thing! ie: no thumbs!I never gave it a thought!
Anyway, you know you can always count on me to keep an eye on things…but, not in an official capacity, since the other businesses do take up a lot of time. But, behind the scenes, when I can….I’ll be there. And, whoever will be taking your place will have my support.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Oh Mrs Bev…!! It wuz a wunnerful song!!!Thanx sooooo much!!!!! It wuz awzum!!!!+++++Thanx ms Stel!!!!! Ah saw that cruzer an ah had to have it!!!!++++++++Ah wuz woreyd Mah posts wuznt gitten thru… Hah!!!!Maybe Ahl leave you in charj wen ahm gon!!!!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
OK, I’m on board!
Not the Board of Commissioners, of course…just on board with the Tuesday swearing-in, as I originally suggested.
Monkey, we heard your transmission just fine….
it’s just that Stel and I were talking, and we weren’t sure whether you meant you’d be back late Monday night,
Since you think Tuesday’s OK, that’s great!
Bev …. how are you feeling? We have 10 days… please don’t push yourself too hard till you’re rested.
X — I seem to be forever thanking you!Thanks again!Glad to have some ¡’s for when I get excited in Spanish!And they’re good ones…some of the cheap ones are really just i’s but these are genuine ¡’s !!
Thanks again.
StelBel over 12 years ago
NO PRESSURE!!! Read SS’s post: we have TEN days! Plenty of time. The Tuesday AFTER Labor Day. Now, go lie down and REST…….. rest….
StelBel over 12 years ago
Can’t tell you how many times I’ve lost a long and involved post, so I sure know how frustrating it is. That’s when you’ve got to take a break! Feel better, kiddo!
StelBel over 12 years ago
good night, everbody!
Linguist over 12 years ago
Good night all. Tuesday’s good for me if its good for MONKEY.
Tigressy over 2 years ago
See what happens if you don’t eat your veggies:
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 2 years ago
Good morning Balladeers, (((((Plods))))) and Miss Susan.