Frazz by Jef Mallett for September 11, 2012

  1. 7 sisters
    SkyFisher  over 12 years ago

    I used to have a phobia of b..b…b…b…….AHHHH!

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    sonorhC  over 12 years ago

    If you leave them alone and don’t wear floral-scented shampoo, they’ll leave you alone.The bee obviously thinks that Audrey is some peculiar large flower.

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  3. Felipe
    Strod  over 12 years ago

    Exactly.  You were doing loud construction work near their home, so they felt threatened by you.

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    catzilla23  over 12 years ago

    Don’t know how true this is, but I heard it years ago; Don’t eat a banana near bees, the scent is the same that bees use to signal the hive is in danger.

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  5. 11 06 126
    Varnes  over 12 years ago

    Do Bee dooby do……..To Bee or not to Bee……Bee seeing you….

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  6. 2nd lady with umbrella by valita r.
    marmar4  over 12 years ago

    Carry a sheet of Bounce in your pocket.Keeps stingie things away.

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  7. Bull shirt archie
    underwriter  over 12 years ago

    I suspect Africanized bees might be better for preventing arthritis by killing the sting-ee before he or she can reach the age to have it.

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    witthoftwh  over 12 years ago

    Anyone know what kind of bees produce milk?

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    witthoftwh  over 12 years ago


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    Toronto2  over 12 years ago

    I had multiple multiple stings (California Yellow Jackets, mostly) growing up, but then stepped on a nest of “ground bees” in deep brush, and got 117 stings, give or take. After surviving that, I was “allergic” to bees for some time. I’ve had a grand total of one sting since, other than under medical testing. It was a bad reaction, so ever since I’ve been remarkably in tune with bees and wasps and all their stripped kinfolk.

    Avoid yellow mustard outdoors. I swear it attracts them more than almost anything else. Yellow mustard smeared on fatty ham is a notable exception.

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