Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for August 30, 2012
Satchel: Here, if you're going to a meeting, you should bring some snacks. Bucky: Satchel... It's not a dinner party, we cats are planning to control the world through secrecy and cunning. Satchel: I know that when my buddies al get together, we like to have a little grub grub for the tim tum. Bucky: Well, that's the difference between cats and dogs, the oppressor could throw you a treat and you would kiss his boots. One day, we cats will enslave you simpleminded dogs to do our bidding and we will be the oppressors. Satchel: Ha ha! Not without treats, you won't!
naturally_easy over 12 years ago
The secret to how man domesticated dogs in the first place. Treats!
Randy B Premium Member over 12 years ago
I find that aloof cats are likeliest to compromise their principles when they’re hungry.
firedome over 12 years ago
say…i saw this movie once! the cat leader was a white persian…
wdpeck over 12 years ago
Aw, c’mon. We all know that Blofeld was just Mr. Tinkles’ . . . (wait for it) . . . catspaw!
orinoco womble over 12 years ago
Listen to Satchel, Bucky. He knows a lot more about the secret cat world than you do. He’s the one who gave you some of the Sacred Salmon Treats, remember? You didn’t even know they existed.
Varnes over 12 years ago
Oh, great, he’s going to be a riot at the party…..
CriticalThinking over 12 years ago
The New World Order is run by Bucky !?! Why am I not surprised…
route66paul over 12 years ago
Truer words were never spoken by any dog.
tbritt99 over 12 years ago
You catch more dogs with treats than vinegar….or something like that.
snugharborman-catalog over 12 years ago
That’s how my ex first domesticated me – with treats.
byamrcn over 12 years ago
YES! I await that day with great anticipation….
Zaristerex over 12 years ago
You should always have food at major gatherings. It’s not compromising your principles; it’s just good hospitality!
kylegann over 12 years ago
I laughed at this for minutes. Seems to sum up not only the world of dogs and cats, but unfortunately something about our whole political reality.
hometownk Premium Member over 12 years ago
Bucky is all cat and Satchel is all dog. The world according to both. Well done.
Zaristerex over 12 years ago
If you’re into world domination, I think it’s a good idea to take a few lessons from Alexander the Great. One of his worst failures was at his march in Gedrosia… it was chiefly because he failed to set up appropriate food depots, resulting in great suffering and population loss.
William Ellwin Premium Member over 12 years ago
I love Satchel’s simple summary of the entire problem.
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
Yeah, I’ve been oppressed by my wifes cat, cleaning crap every day. We’ve both been neutered.
Veridian over 12 years ago
1) Cats don’t have Owners, they have Staff2) Cats don’t live with you, they allow you to Live with them and see to all domestic needs See Rule #1 3) When a Cat enters a Room it Immediately becomes the Cats Room.4) Whatever a Cat will eat is “Cat Food” examples include : Pickles,Chaddar Cheese and the Occasional Frito’s Corn Chip5) Whatever a Cat will Play with is a “Cat Toy” regardless of its original Purpose.6) Wherever a Cat chooses to Sleep is a “Cat Bed” this includes Staff in the Supine, Reclining or Sitting positions, Laptops, Desktop PC Keyboards, any Books, Magazines or Papers a Staff Member is actively reading. And, of Course, any Basket of freshly Laundered/Dried clothing.
Special Note with only Slight Modification these Rules may also be successfully applied to Chuck Norris
:-)LKrueger41 over 12 years ago
Bucky understands Progressive politics. Satchel, sadly, will vote Progressive as long as he thinks he will get his treats.
hometownk Premium Member over 12 years ago