Henry Payne for August 25, 2012

  1. Makotrans
    Ketira  almost 12 years ago

    Cute ’toon….. notice just who is the “square” wheel?

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    And yet, Republicans claim that Democrats want Akin to drop out.-How many Fox ‘News’ commentators advised Akin to drop out?

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  3. Koala
    ransomdstone  almost 12 years ago

    Payne. Support your leader and your party!

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    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago

    @braindead08 Dems really don’t really want akin to drop out of the race.They realise he’s just some brain-washed minion of Stone Age thinking who represents the TRUE agendas of reeps everywhere.reeps don’t want anyone knowing the TRUE agenda to wake up until after the election.

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    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    Thanks for catching the square wheel.No wonder he’s there on a reep tank.He’s exposing them for what they really stand for!Thanks for your mention of the squareness of his wheel, love!

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    Mickey 13  almost 12 years ago

    I suppose you will be little mary sunshine if the republicans win? The poison in Washington and the two parties needs fundamental change to get back to a government for the people, not the political system. Start with term limits, ban lobbying, and enforce a balance budget amendment.

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  7. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  almost 12 years ago

    Howie, the only people who wanted akin to drop out are people like hannity, who said that this could keep the CONservatives from taking the senate.

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    vwdualnomand  almost 12 years ago

    diet akins’s views on abortion is the same views as the gop. gop cite this discredited doctor (mormon mitt surrogate/adviser) on legit rape. if the gop believes that rape doesn’t result in pregnancy, then i have a bridge in brooklyn to sell them. they probably believe that the earth is flat, the sun revolves around the earth, and eclipses are a portal to hell.

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    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    REAL agenda is the repeal of Social Security, Medicare, and all programs benefitting the poor and middle class, all the while declaring “personhood” beginning at the moment of conception- the moment of the sperm meeting the egg in a female’s body.

    Then, declaring it their province to declare what a woman should do with HER body!Arrogance beyond belief!They declare their right to decide what is right for us all!Give me a break!

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    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    Ipso facto, a woman having an abortion is committing murder, as the fertilised egg is a person! Therefore, no abortions permitted!Are you kidding?Look out, middle class, give these guys the election,and we’re all toast.

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  11. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  almost 12 years ago

    No, that would be you and your party of “legitimate rape”

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    dannysixpack  almost 12 years ago

    @radish,it was not a gaffe. republicans want to outlaw all abortions.the worry, and concern atkin was speaking to was women claiming ‘rape’ in order to take advantage of an exception for rape – in the GOP’s mind, illegitimate rape.

    of course proving rape, in GOP – speak legitimate rape is quite difficult.

    therefore, no abortion for you today.

    the right wing seems to think that safe and legal abortions, make abortion a requiement.

    if you don’t want one, don’t have one.

    republicans want big invasive government into the most personal decisions between a woman and her doctor.

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