Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 05, 2012
Elizabeth Warren: These folks don't resent that someone else makes more money - or even has so many cars that they need an elevator in their garage... Joanie: Go, girl! Warren: They just don't want the game to be rigged! Joanie: Oh, my God... yes! Rick: What? Joanie: I wrote that! "To be rigged"! I wrote those three words! Rick: All three? Joanie: And fought like hell to keep 'em in! This would be Alex...
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
She should just block Alex.
john.barber over 12 years ago
Tell me how much he’s given to the poor—I might forgive a car elevator.
Linguist over 12 years ago
The life of a political speech writer is rarely appreciated. It’s almost as bad as writing comedy… or maybe ?… Could it be the same thing ?
kauri44 over 12 years ago
Personally I think it’s sweet that Alex is so proud of her Gram. How many twenty somethings would be eagerly listening to a political speech (or anything) that their grandmother helped write?
Cofyjunky over 12 years ago
Oh Cookies, I’m so effin’ tired of Alex right now. Back off brat!
mrbribery over 12 years ago
I wonder who wrote the three words “or even has”
AKHenderson Premium Member over 12 years ago
We need to see Mitt Romney tax returns..
King_Shark over 12 years ago
Wonder what “to be rigged” would have been replaced with if she hadn’t fought…
gladlythecrosseyedbear over 12 years ago
Elizabeth Warren — fake Cherokee — stole her Harvard professorship — refuses to meet with representatives of Cherokees
stellablu122 over 12 years ago
Last night the DNC did more in 2 1/2 hours than the RNC did in Tampa in two days. It is very clear the two different choices we have to chose from.
HeidiTentee over 12 years ago
So, did Joannie also write the “you didn’t build that” idea that has done so much good for HRH O’Bama?
Bruce L2 over 12 years ago
Gladlythecross, thanks for giving us that information, I’ve never been told that before.
And rightisright, if you don’t actually know someone’s name, perhaps you shouldn’t be writing about them.
Beleck3 over 12 years ago
greed and hatred, intolerance and bigotry are such putrid fascist values. it’s a wonder how low fear contorts so many soulless people into such abysmal excuses of existence. though that is really insulting to algae, slime and other base forms of life.
ah, the abuse of society/the other/ is such a wonderful example for all educated life forms of how not to be.
all this and heaven too. such a waste of life
peabodyboy over 12 years ago
Hey, Sarge. Just got back from the National Dressage Convention. Ann Romney has a message for you from her hubby. Here goes:Dear Guard SGT,Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.Your bud, MittP.S. Ha.
QuiteDragon over 12 years ago
Normally, I don’t consider flagging people just because they are really offensive; after all, most of us highly value free speech. On the other hand, such racist and sexist remarks don’t really contribute anything to intelligent discussion and shouldn’t go unchallenged. Continue and I will both flag those comments and encourage others to do so, as well.
WaitingMan over 12 years ago
The only people who have anything to fear from a Romney-Ryan administration are the 99%. Everyone else will do just fine.
Justice22 over 12 years ago
Re;Reagan’s comment to McFarland about his not being successful because he didn’t even have a million $ prompted him to attempt suicide.
PShaw0423 over 12 years ago
A few observations of my own about the conventions so far:.• Paul Ryan is going to eat Joe Biden’s lunch at the vice-presidential debate. He’s an effective speaker, what he has to say (and whether it’s factual) aside. It will be Kennedy-Nixon debates all over again..• After hearing Michelle Obama’s speech last night, I wonder if the DNC isn’t nominating the wrong Obama..• The convention floor shots during the speeches showed the starkest possible contrast — at the RNC, a sea of white, middle-aged faces, with exceptions so few the camera had to look for them — at the DNC, a convention that “looks like America”, a melting pot of everyone out there. That says a lot that has nothing to do with ideologies or platforms.
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
“Tell me how much he’s given to the poor—I might forgive a car elevator.”#You sound like one of those people who admired Al Capone because he game a lot of money (from prostitution, gambling, shark loans, alcohol, etc.) to the poor.
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
@QuiteDragon@Linguist@montissoriteacherI agree with each of you that reasoned discourse carries much more weight than name calling and its unsavory cousins. (Well, maybe it doesn’t with eveyrone, but it should.) One of the logical fallacies is argument ad hominem , which is attacking the one with whom we disagree, rather than arguing against his or her ideas.
smalltownbrown over 12 years ago
Put a cork in it!
explorer543 over 12 years ago
… getting worried about DTpi..At the weekend I thought maybe it was because of the holiday, but now it’s Wednesday.
peabodyboy over 12 years ago
Sorry to disappoint you, Sarge. I won’t be at the Democratic convention tonight for several reasons:1. No one asked me.2. I am not a Democrat.3. Politics and politicians bore me.4. Baseball season isn’t over.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Mitt says ha.
smalltownbrown over 12 years ago
..and leave the cork in!
Uncle Joe over 12 years ago
I think Romney should be proud of his record as Governor of Massachusetts. It’s too bad he’s renounced everything he claimed to believe when he was elected Governor.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Certainly, you will find a mother lode of ‘racist’, ‘stupid’ or ‘crazy’ contributors deserving of your terrible swift sword.<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>I am loath to censure anyone. This particular instance was a racist comment – at least to me and I have a pretty thick skin, being ( truly) of Native American and Irish extraction. My paternal grandmother was 100% Native American and well educated and well-read. As liberal as she was, she would have been as grossly offended by the ignorant comment as I was.A pejorative word was used, in a context that was, as demeaning as the N word. Hence my reason for flagging.
thirdguy over 12 years ago
I would love to explain to you how badly, that you don’t get it. That Roland Hedley’s comment was a spoof on a spoof. But it would be a waste of time, and of my breath. So please just enjoy your ignorance, and keep voting against your own self interests, until niether your wife or your daughers or you, have any rights left.
kaffekup over 12 years ago
I’m sorry, but when posters just keep posting the same lies and nastiness, I feel jutified in flagging them. It’s my computer they are polluting. Put, that includes your lies.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Elizabeth Warren just said people feel like the system is rigged against them. Maybe she reads Doonesbury… She just now said we just don’t want the game to be rigged! A complete quote! Wow!
krisjackson01 over 12 years ago
My God! She just said it!
Ivan Araque over 12 years ago
Yes, I watched it too. Hats off to Master Trudeau, and best wishes for Ms. Warren. :)
explorer543 over 12 years ago
Elizabeth Warren used the word rigged several times and it always rang true. Wouldn;t we love to know how we got to see Joan’s three words she fought so hard for.
uboats over 12 years ago
I’ve always been aware that the strip is a Party shill, but what the hell is going on the past few strips? I don’t watch TV, and couldn’t care less what happens in the national conventions.Enough, already!
nimbleswitch over 12 years ago
Wait a minute. “Rigged”? Am I out of chronology? Didn’t Garry have Warren using the word “rigged” the morning before she used it at the DNC?
nimbleswitch over 12 years ago
Oh, and Heidi. I like that “you didn’t build it” comment. As in, who “built” our National Debt? The correct answer, of course, is that Bush and his Republican Party built an enormous national debt while throwing our country into a pit. Obama added to the national debt while trying to pull us out of that pit. Republican politicians have done everything they could to keep our country in that hole in the ground that they built.