I think that’s just an establishing shot (and a throwaway panel for papers running the smaller version of the strip). It’s almost certain that the box Slim got on Saturday contains the car they’ve won, and neither of them saw the word “replica” or “model” in the contest paperwork.
mrbribery over 12 years ago
I like the name Mall Wart.
Hillbillyman over 12 years ago
Now that’s just plain ole mean!
arye uygur over 12 years ago
Now Slim will have to get up to change the channels.
axe-grinder over 12 years ago
Yes, Mall Wart is a good one. Very nice Sunday!
Stagger Lee over 12 years ago
Can you really blame Slim for not wanting to go to Walmart …er.. I mean Mall Wart.
battle of plattsburgh over 12 years ago
Slim doesn’t want to go because there are too many Mall Wrats at the Mall Wart.
TheAuldWan over 12 years ago
PlainBill over 12 years ago
Don’t buy the dress, Clovia. It’ll make you look like a grandma.
Darryl Heine over 12 years ago
MALL WART – spoof of Wal-Mart.
axe-grinder over 12 years ago
Clovia must be randomly changing the channel on Slim while she’s out and about…
Paul1963 over 12 years ago
I think that’s just an establishing shot (and a throwaway panel for papers running the smaller version of the strip). It’s almost certain that the box Slim got on Saturday contains the car they’ve won, and neither of them saw the word “replica” or “model” in the contest paperwork.
fixer1967 over 12 years ago
You have his remote but he has your credit card so who is teaching is who a lesson ?