The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for February 12, 2013
February 11, 2013
February 13, 2013
Evelyn: Well...where have you been, Tommy? Haven't seen you for a week. My,'re looking pretty healthy for a stray. How about a little tuna treat, huh? that a flea collar? Have you been seeing someone else?
Yeah. We had a cat coming to our door like that several days a row, but then we found out where he lived – our row houses look very similar, so it had gotten lost. Meowwww indeed, next time he turns up I will call his owner not give him any food.
paha_siga almost 12 years ago
Yeah. We had a cat coming to our door like that several days a row, but then we found out where he lived – our row houses look very similar, so it had gotten lost. Meowwww indeed, next time he turns up I will call his owner not give him any food.
kaecispopX almost 12 years ago
Some cats know how to work a grub line.
Bob. almost 12 years ago
The neighbors cat comes over to sleep under my truck. Have no idea why he likes it there.
ColonelClaus almost 12 years ago
Just remember… You own a dog, you feed a cat. A cat will hang around until it finds better deal.