The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for April 18, 2015
Professor: What are you cooking, Dusty? Dusty: Let me ask you a question, Perfessor... do you like rare meat? Professor: Indeed I do. Dusty: Well, then take a taste of this... Professor: Delicious... but frankly, it's a bit overcooked, if anything. Dusty: Yeah, but I bet you ain't never had coyote before... Professor: Rarely. Dusty: Ah had a hunch...
kingdiamond69 almost 10 years ago
Coyote seriously I guess the writer of the strip doesn’t mind pissing off the animals lovers UNSUBSCRIBED.
TMMILLER Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Nothing will eat a Coyote except another coyote. Buzzards wont touch em.
Rush Strong Premium Member almost 10 years ago
They taste just like bobcat chicken.
DoctorLarryO almost 10 years ago
Depends on how they are cooked. In the South we had ‘critter-dinners.’ Krakyahead (first poster) would not approve, but it was tasty. And this comic was funny.
mggreen almost 10 years ago
Very funny, and yeah, chicken!