The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for December 23, 2015
Dusty: Okay! Here we go! Evelyn: OH, I really hope there's not a dead man in there... Dusty: Ah see a head! Evelyn: Ohhhh! Dusty: An' here's a hand with cigars! Boone: What? Dusty: Yee-haw! Someone sent me a cigar store Indian! Professor: ... and so begins another episode of "Dusty's Wacky Adventures".
route66paul about 9 years ago
I want one.
Retired Dude about 9 years ago
Dusty reminds me of my grandfather in so many ways.
patlaborvi about 9 years ago
All I could think of was the old Hank Williams’ song Kai Laga, here’s a link to Johney Cash and Hank Williams Jr. doing the song.