The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for May 08, 2019

  1. Axk online
    adrienne.kristine  almost 6 years ago

    Thank you, George Carlin. RIP.

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    Strob  almost 6 years ago

    Strangely enough, my grandmother always called hamburgers ā€œmeatcakesā€.

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    cygnustigris  almost 6 years ago

    George Carlin also used ā€˜meat-cakeā€™ for an unknown, and unknowable, item while cataloging the mysterious contents of the depths of his refrigerator. Love George Carlin.

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    gary.eddings4157 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    I once asked a food cart vendor what ā€œmeatā€ was used in the Spring Roll; her reply was ā€œmeatā€, my response was ā€œIā€™ll pass!ā€

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    LouAvery  almost 6 years ago

    Someoneā€™s a George Carlin fan :)

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    Holilubillkori Premium Member almost 6 years ago
    One bacon,cheese & meat cake in a Hawaiian bread bun ā€¦. thank you very much! :^D
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    Display  almost 6 years ago

    Obviously the term ā€œmeatā€ covers a lot of territory. Much like most countries there are some territories you want to visit and othersā€¦ not so much. Also food companies use great sounding terms for advertising their foods but those terms have no standardized definition. The 2 am food run often therefore leads to different runs later. And yet morons still loving spend money to get the trots every day.

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  8. Groucho
    Barnabus Blackoak  almost 6 years ago

    Hey , does the strip owe Geotge Carlins estate a fee for that joke?

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    Timothy Erickson  almost 6 years ago

    Sure does!

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