One Big Happy by Rick Detorie for September 24, 2012

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    38lowell  over 12 years ago

    Watch your fingers!!

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    arye uygur  over 12 years ago

    The artwork here is a different style than usual, but I like it.

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    cdward  over 12 years ago

    The wood in that chair came from Charlie Brown’s kite-eating tree. It still needs to eat something.

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    rangegrider  over 12 years ago

    Are we going to get any new strips? We’ve been getting 10 year strips for about a month now. Is Mr. D. on leave? This is a great toon, I hope its only a temporary break.

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    kab2rb  over 12 years ago

    Ruthie you got in the chair wrong. and Susan your right about Chaplin flick.

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    Stellagal  over 12 years ago

    Not to mention it was seen in the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special (the folding chair got the best of Snoopy).

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