Jeff Stahler for September 11, 2012

  1. Makotrans
    Ketira  almost 12 years ago

    If he’s majoring in that, he needs to shape up a bit more. Some people like to go after those folks after being called a few times. He’ll need to learn how to protect himself as well.

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  2. Me as santa
    lcdrlar  almost 12 years ago

    Another case of “I want”… “Give me”…“You want me to pay for it?” society.

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  3. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  almost 12 years ago

    It is one of the few growth industries in the US. If you are so motivated to learn more, there was a pretty good article about student loan debt collectors in last Sunday’s NY Times.

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  4. Missing large
    ARodney  almost 12 years ago

    Used to be you could pay off your college bills with several years of salary. The rise in price of colleges, the stagnant wages for the middle class, and the cutting of government loans, have made it impossible to get an education without huge debt unless you choose rich parents. Romney and his generation had it sweet, and they’ve closed the doors on those coming behind to keep the money for themselves. And now he wants to reverse Obama’s student loan plan, taking away Pell grants to give the profits from tax-payer-guaranteed loans back to his benefactors in the banking industry in a sweetheart deal. Those multi-millionaires aren’t funding Romney for nothing.

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  5. Img 2798  1
    Dreamcat  almost 12 years ago

    @Bruce4671Because not every city has a good college, not every college offers every degree, and not every job is close to the campus. I went back to school at age 40, worked full-time and part-time jobs; $5,000 wouldn’t even cover the 1st year. Between the mortgage, the commute and everyday bills, like parking fees where I work, loans were the only way I could go back to school. Then, my job disappeared. So much for improving myself, now I have the college loan debt, and the job market dried up in the county. I didn’t have my parents supporting me, and carting me back and forth. So, maybe you should rethink your comment; not everyone has such generous parents, and not everyone going back to school is a teenager living at home.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    “Bounty hunter” debt collectors don’t require degrees.

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  7. Makotrans
    Ketira  almost 12 years ago

    Do you have to make every Editorial cartoon political – even when it’s not about politics at all?

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