Drabble by Kevin Fagan for October 18, 2012

  1. Mt icon60
    rnmontgomery  over 12 years ago

    dood, if you were consisitant on that thought then 99% of the comics would have to go [except for Frank and Earnest]Maybe the ref should be watching the game!!!!

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  2. Hodag
    Cajtri87  over 12 years ago

    Well sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. Hard to be funny all the time. A lot of strips go through bad weeks. Seemed funny to him at the time I am sure. On the other hand, I imagine people with kids in soccer probably do see the humor in it.

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  3. Spideychuck
    sleeepy2  over 12 years ago

    You can just go. Announcing it to everyone as if anyone cares is narcissism.

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  4. Missing large
    GGR  over 12 years ago

    It’s a comic, doodlerjeff. I think it’s funny that Ralph’s sitting on the sidelines and despite free hands isn’t removing the duct tape.

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  5. Grumpy oogie
    nyoha  over 12 years ago

    Here’s to hoping Ralph gets back at him before the series of strips ends.

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  6. Flake close
    richardj  over 12 years ago

    Who are the brain police?

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  7. Chai
    Perkycat  over 12 years ago

    I don’t have kids in soccer but I am finding humor in this. Anything I find humor in is a good thing.

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  8. Grandpa hef
    Jeff0811  over 12 years ago

    See ya, don’t let the door knob hit you on the way out.

    In the past I have removed a few that were not to my taste, but why be so arrogant as to try to ruin them for others. Which ones you view or choose not to view, it’s your choice. Don’t you dare to try to make that choice for other people. If you don’t appreciate Fagan’s efforts, just say ba-bye. No need to poop on his work

    One final thought, You’re stupid, total rubbish and not funny.

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  9. Missing large
    coulterjc  over 12 years ago

    i thought it was funny

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  10. Missing large
    jcsvtraver  9 months ago

    what happened to the “smike”, the stupid ref drew on Ralph’s duct tape?? WAKE UP…Fagan!??!

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