Neither here nor there, but I kept wondering whether pangolins hang out in Patagonia (southern area of South America shared by Argentina and Chile). Nope, they’re in the southeastern area of Africa, shared by a number of exotic-sounding (to me, anyhow) countries. I saw a source that said something about save the pangolin, but it looked too sad and I didn’t read it. Maybe I should.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 9 years ago
That is so courageous and selfless of Beni to jump in front of a rampaging, stampeding herd of pangolins like that.
cdward about 9 years ago
But anxious, disturbed pangolins are what I’m best at!
Strod about 9 years ago
PANGO! PANGO! PANGO!lin? Come on critters!Swarm me!Stellagal about 9 years ago
Anxious and disturbed, is Petey a pangolin?
tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 9 years ago
Good one Stella S :DI would think that they would scatter or just (each) roll up into a little ball.
Gokie5 about 9 years ago
Neither here nor there, but I kept wondering whether pangolins hang out in Patagonia (southern area of South America shared by Argentina and Chile). Nope, they’re in the southeastern area of Africa, shared by a number of exotic-sounding (to me, anyhow) countries. I saw a source that said something about save the pangolin, but it looked too sad and I didn’t read it. Maybe I should.
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
Beni has done what no other would dare! Now, Dill, get moving!Alice was so thoughtless in emitting the pangolin cry of warning!
John W Kennedy Premium Member about 9 years ago
Dimmi pango tu verrai,dimmi pango… pango… pango…l’anno, il giorno e l’ora in cuiforse tu mi bacerai…
But who wants to be kissed by a pangolin?
su43dipta about 9 years ago
Dill’s hairstyle come in handy when he is surprised!! Now where are today’s strips?? It is about time….