I used to keep my freind close and my enemies closer.
Pretty soon there was no room in my room..except for drama,
The logistics were a mess. when they started calling me
Mr. Clingy, I moved out,
Roommates made him roomless mate. Poor Horace should do some rethinkings. Don’t sit on that tree stump anyway. You might get a scratch in your horse ass. I don’t like, when some leave those without a cut.
Egrayjames over 8 years ago
….and quit your complaining or they’ll call you a whiner too!
Rev Phnk Ey over 8 years ago
Cerabooge over 8 years ago
Pretty bad policy. Could get ugly.
Sherlock Watson over 8 years ago
Lucky you weren’t arrested for kidnapping.
Argy.Bargy2 over 8 years ago
Horace, where did you get all those enemies?
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
Shouldn’t they be calling you Michael Corlehorse?
DavidHurley Premium Member over 8 years ago
Ha, I would too.
BlueFin Premium Member over 8 years ago
Roommates made him roomless mate. Poor Horace should do some rethinkings. Don’t sit on that tree stump anyway. You might get a scratch in your horse ass. I don’t like, when some leave those without a cut.
PappyFiddle over 8 years ago
Somebody set this to music!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O3MtfgA1I0
Argythree over 8 years ago
Hey, how come the last panel changed?