If Blackjack’s fetish were for more recent gangster films, he’d be suggesting that Tracy “say hello to my little friend.” But as it is, he’s racking his piece in anticipation of making a striking first impression. So, the question of the week is, how does Tracy rescue Wormsworth without getting himself killed?
.That sure looks like a Ruger Target Master. (I think they only come in .380 & .22 caliber) Almost anybody can buy one for about a hundred dollars. Why doesn’t BJ use a Smith with a long barrel? Because he’s not into killing just robbing the .22 caliber is perfect, but many, many people have died with a .22 slug in them. That particular gun is quite accurate. I no longer use a .22 pistol, I’m into big bore hand guns, (.357 Magnum) that way if I don’t wound an intruder it will cause them to go deaf and scare the pants off of them when it goes BANG! While the .22 goes pop.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ almost 13 years ago
Good morning everyone…
Blackjack’s asking for it!
cpalmeresq almost 13 years ago
Good Morning , Vista Bill & Tarry… Happy Easter to all DT Fans!
Tarry Plaguer almost 13 years ago
margueritem almost 13 years ago
Happy Easter!
margueritem almost 13 years ago
Tracy, I think he just wants to shake your hand.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ almost 13 years ago
Wow… Tarry and margueritem. What colorful greetings. Glad I stayed up! Happy Easter!
Buzza Wuzza almost 13 years ago
People talk about the good old days of comic strips. These are the good old days of Dick Tracy!
Aaron Mimura almost 13 years ago
Happy Easter everyone!
Ashmael almost 13 years ago
Happy Easter to all! I wonder what will happen next?
Sisyphos almost 13 years ago
If Blackjack’s fetish were for more recent gangster films, he’d be suggesting that Tracy “say hello to my little friend.” But as it is, he’s racking his piece in anticipation of making a striking first impression. So, the question of the week is, how does Tracy rescue Wormsworth without getting himself killed?
adrianmonk almost 13 years ago
Happy Easter Everyone!
Mdstudio almost 13 years ago
I wonder if there’s a chance that his machine gun is actually a Tracy toy. We know Blackjack is a big fan and collector.
Det.DanDone almost 13 years ago
HAPPY EASTER, EVERYBODY!!!!. Fond Easter memory..I may have watched too much TV, as a child…
Can't Sleep almost 13 years ago
Yikes! Blackjack’s got Daddy Morebucks hostage! That’s…awful… I guess…Gotta admit, I didn’t see this development! (Even though Blackjack did!)
trimguy almost 13 years ago
I wonder if Mr Wormsworth will become worm food?
APersonOfInterest almost 13 years ago
johnrussco almost 13 years ago
.That sure looks like a Ruger Target Master. (I think they only come in .380 & .22 caliber) Almost anybody can buy one for about a hundred dollars. Why doesn’t BJ use a Smith with a long barrel? Because he’s not into killing just robbing the .22 caliber is perfect, but many, many people have died with a .22 slug in them. That particular gun is quite accurate. I no longer use a .22 pistol, I’m into big bore hand guns, (.357 Magnum) that way if I don’t wound an intruder it will cause them to go deaf and scare the pants off of them when it goes BANG! While the .22 goes pop.
cowboy1 almost 13 years ago
What a wonderful Easter Sunday morning. Family & friends coming for dinner, and the funnies to look forward to. I wish you all a very Happy Easter !
Ken in Ohio almost 13 years ago
Happy Resurrection Sunday! Christ is risen. I Corinthians 15:20
punslinger almost 13 years ago
Somebody alert the morgue…They’re about to play cards!
Blackthorne42 almost 13 years ago
Looks like Blackjack has all the cards (no pun intended). Will Tracy pow-wow with Blackjack, with a hostage at risk?
coldsooner almost 13 years ago
I’m beginning to believe that Blackjack is one sick puppy…
willamp almost 13 years ago