Bribery always hated being disturbedBy every Tom Dick Harry or HerbWhenever he had the time to gazeUpon a rose his hand would raiseYet for Notta he would take the timeTo share her joy over a pending crimeThe glee she felt over Tracy’s little tripMade Bribery feel like he was young and hipBlaze meanwhile was completely tornOver what to do or who to scornShe hoped perhaps that Ken in OhioCould help her through this difficult trial.
Bribery always hated being disturbedBy every Tom Dick Harry or HerbWhenever he had the time to gazeUpon a rose his hand would raiseYet for Notta he would take the timeTo share her joy over a pending crimeThe glee she felt over Tracy’s little tripMade Bribery feel like he was young and hipBlaze meanwhile was completely tornOver what to do or who to scornShe hoped perhaps that Ken in OhioCould help her through this difficult trial.