Pilot: Crew chief! Report! Voice: We're all good, Skip! Pilot: Check the... what's that? Voice: They hit the main rotor blade system! We're goin' down! Voice: Son of a... Jeff: Whoa. Think that's one of ours? Havoc: What is WRONG with you?
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ almost 15 years ago
Redfern’s dangerous!
Justice22 almost 15 years ago
Call in backup to make toast out of them all.
Ravenswing almost 15 years ago
“Think that’s one of ours?”
What, Jeff, think the Taliban have many Apaches or Kiowas in their inventory?
jgcp1 almost 15 years ago
Call the wedding photographer! This is going to make a great group pic!
jackmatt almost 15 years ago
In terms of story arc - isn’t Melissa a helicopter mechanic?
Potrzebie almost 15 years ago
what is really funny is that he bought a mighty US blackhawk down with a asault version AK!
I love the detailed drawings that GBT can do at times.
babka Premium Member almost 15 years ago
jackmatt? bingo!
should Redfern ever come face to face with death directly occasioned by his ignorance and folly,
and begin to discover the difference between video parlor death and real death, movie death and real death,
come face to face with his own fault & come into reality from the b.s. macho fantasy he’s deadened by
he may be worth saving, as a broken, humbled, penitential, clueless child.
or not.
babka Premium Member almost 15 years ago
if Cheney is a robot, or if they can fix his wicked heart that many times, why can’t they make the corners of his mouth symetrical?
brewwitch almost 15 years ago
Last frame: “What is WRONG with you?”
Is this a ‘trick’ question?
Justice22 almost 15 years ago
@ Potrzebie, Yes, In ‘Nam most aircraft were brought down by small arms fire. Not only that, I remember a parade where the latest of our tanks was disabled by a youngster with a BB gun.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I guess we got away from the formula that helped bring the good guys victory over the germans in ww2…..we mass produced gobs of sufficiently deadly and yet easier to maintain war machines— planes , tanks . ships and guns ….and the nazi’s produced brilliant, state of the art superior weapons , but in far fewer numbers and requiring more hi tech maintenance … its like an elephant at war with ants- the elephant will kill many but –the ants will win with their superior numbers
mjlew01 almost 15 years ago
you just know 5 deferments dick cheney (that peice of garbage won’t die, satan doesn’t want the competition) has his haliburton/blackwater cash hogs sellings weapons to Al qaeda and the taliban.
Refern thinks like a 12yr old playing a video game.
wndrwrthg almost 15 years ago
Nothing more than a plot device to bring Jeff and Melissa together again. She will have to come and repair it.
summerdog86 almost 15 years ago
I’ll bet that wndrwrthg is right. Good thinking.
woodsz almost 15 years ago
are we supposed to feel sympathy for the little idiot Redfern? where is this going? hopefully towards killing off his uninteresting and unbelievable character.
benbrilling almost 15 years ago
Why don’t they just use the kid as a guinea pig for their secret torture techniques. You really do need to test them before use to be sure they work properly.
Herbabee almost 15 years ago
Apple “dudn’t” fall far from the tree, eh Lil’ Duke?
jpozenel almost 15 years ago
Mistakenly firing on the wrong target?
How absurd! Everyone knows that never happens.
FriscoLou almost 15 years ago
What’s up with all this hatin’ on Jeff? I think he makes a fine cartoon character. He’s usually at the center of the most interesting story lines.
His character fills the reflexive primal urge some people have, to hate and have contempt for people different from them. Kind of like racism.
Ya’ll don’t know how to read comics. Just relax and enjoy the Melissa parts coming up.
Mythreesons almost 15 years ago
Hey, you all! Better be careful what you say about our former VP. He’ll have his pals force Gocomics to divulge your real names, and then you will be added to his black list. Then one of these days, someone will come and shoot you in the face with a shotgun. So-it was all your fault, and you have to apologize.
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
Yeah and in Nam the M-16s jammed like peanut butter to the roof of your mouth, the centipede were a foot long and only a fool wore his bars. Heads stuck on poles, hair rotting out under your helmet, heat like a sauna with bugs 24-7 always a clic from Hell. Do-dah-day…
NoBrandName almost 15 years ago
fbjsr: Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.
RinaFarina almost 15 years ago
When Havoc says “What is WRONG with you?” in the last panel, am I supposed to laugh?
Couldn’t resist asking. I know the answer. How he manages not to strangle Redfern is beyond me.
FriscoLou almost 15 years ago
Have people forgotten how Jeff “accidentally” blew up the Taliban and how Havoc reacted before? Jeff’s an effective “operator” and Havoc is getting too “old” for this.
Now everyone is lining up to stab Jeff in the back. Do you think Zipper has the gumption to join the CIA?
I don’t believe an AK took down a Blackhawk.
AKHenderson Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Maybe Jeff could get a job in Trff Bmzklfrpz’s security detail.
MisngNOLA almost 15 years ago
Wow, such hateful comments about a former vice president. And yet these same commenters would have a fit if someone called their precious Obama a Nazi. It’s amazing how “tolerant” people from the party of tolerance really aren’t.