Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 16, 2012
Rick: "That according to my sources... who are about to walk in the door." Hey. How'd it go? Joanie: Great! We discussed my new job in detail and then she laid out her vision of what she'd like to accomplish in the Senate. You know how the Wall Street greedheads have all been running around with their hair on fire claiming that Elizabeth wants to bust up the big banks, end corporate welfare, and cram regulatory reform down their throats? Rick: Over-stated? Joanie: Nope. All true.
I have Federal permits both to carry and to sell firearms, as well as state permits to carry concealed weapons. Guess what ? I am a huge proponent of stricter gun laws and more stringent regulations regarding the purchase of firearms, thorough background checks, a waiting period of at least fourteen days, and closing the loopholes on swap meets, gun shows etc.I also believe that every purchaser of a firearm should have proper, supervised training and certification prior to purchase.These are not in the least unreasonable nor draconian regulations. While it might not stop some deranged person like the kid in Conn., it does provide a modicum of tempering.Also, if the media stopped giving these wack-jobs their brief moment in the national spotlight, it would go a long way to diminish these attention seekers,