Errr… not being disrespectful, I hope, but out here in GB where ice hockey is pretty much a minority interest, we tend to think of the game as an ocassion for a massed brawl with no holds barred, punctuated by occassional intervals of chasing the puck and trying to score goals. At what point in the learning process do otherwise adorable little Canadian bear-cubs become the grizzly bears we see trying to tear each other’s heads off?
Errr… not being disrespectful, I hope, but out here in GB where ice hockey is pretty much a minority interest, we tend to think of the game as an ocassion for a massed brawl with no holds barred, punctuated by occassional intervals of chasing the puck and trying to score goals. At what point in the learning process do otherwise adorable little Canadian bear-cubs become the grizzly bears we see trying to tear each other’s heads off?