Yes Son, the moment you hit Parris Island the tailor will measure you for all your clothes, we will custom fit you for shoes that will be serviceable on mountains and swamps, and we will give you a custom haircut suitable for SE Asia.
Hey, I had to pay for all of my haircuts! I barely had enough to pay for mine as I left everything I could with my wife to pay the bills.
The barber asked, “How do you want it son?” I replied, “Just a little off the sides.” He laughed like H_ as he went straight from back to front and all of my golden locks fell to the floor. - Wish I had a few of them back.-
MontanaLady almost 15 years ago
That was a “groaner”
lightenup Premium Member almost 15 years ago
That didn’t work in the 60’s.
lewisbower almost 15 years ago
Yes Son, the moment you hit Parris Island the tailor will measure you for all your clothes, we will custom fit you for shoes that will be serviceable on mountains and swamps, and we will give you a custom haircut suitable for SE Asia.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago
well, maybe that’s all he can be
Ooops! Premium Member almost 15 years ago
So all he has to wear is a shirt and shoes?
bald almost 15 years ago
you mean if i hadn’t shown up with no shoes or shirt i could have got out of going in the military ?
Justice22 almost 15 years ago
Hey, I had to pay for all of my haircuts! I barely had enough to pay for mine as I left everything I could with my wife to pay the bills.
The barber asked, “How do you want it son?” I replied, “Just a little off the sides.” He laughed like H_ as he went straight from back to front and all of my golden locks fell to the floor. - Wish I had a few of them back.-
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
Oh, you ain’t getting out of it THAT easy. Lighten must have met the same smiling Sam draft boarders I did.