Frazz by Jef Mallett for December 30, 2012
Frazz: What's the deal Lucille? Girl: I'm sorting through some mixed feelings. Considering, you know, I'm not even supposed to be here right now. Frazz: Oh, my. Girl: I mean, yeah, I'd like to be where it's warm, but there's nothing to do at my grandpa's condo and half the people in his complex don't like kids. Frazz: Oh, oh,oh. You were supposed to be in Florida right now. Girl: yeah. Except my grandpa got the flu. Frazz: I thought this was going to be yet another Mayan calendar joke. Girl: Yet another? I never made a joke like that in the first place.
I could be wrong, but I think that when Jef, had the girl say that she never made a Mayan joke, that it was in reference to the fact that the Mayan’s didn’t ever predict the end of the world. Never made that joke = never predicted that? Either that or he’s referencing other strips going for the easy joke.