Frazz by Jef Mallett for December 30, 2012
Frazz: What's the deal Lucille? Girl: I'm sorting through some mixed feelings. Considering, you know, I'm not even supposed to be here right now. Frazz: Oh, my. Girl: I mean, yeah, I'd like to be where it's warm, but there's nothing to do at my grandpa's condo and half the people in his complex don't like kids. Frazz: Oh, oh,oh. You were supposed to be in Florida right now. Girl: yeah. Except my grandpa got the flu. Frazz: I thought this was going to be yet another Mayan calendar joke. Girl: Yet another? I never made a joke like that in the first place.
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
context…one needs context.
FUNG1 about 12 years ago
Now THAT is a strange reaction to a cartoon!!You must be one strange guy!
pschearer Premium Member about 12 years ago
May this be the last of the Mayan calendar jokes!
Kroykali about 12 years ago
Now that the Mayan calendar prediction was a flop, wonder what the next one will be.
ncalifgirl58 about 12 years ago
I’m supposed to be in Florida too. lol
rshive about 12 years ago
Dunno. But it’s got to be good—needs to sell lots of supermarket tabloids.
pumaman about 12 years ago
Look on the bright side, maybe the flu will kill your grandpa and then you’ll get to go to Florida for the funeral! All the old people will probably act nice to you too.
xpurplezebra about 12 years ago
jfs_design about 12 years ago
I could be wrong, but I think that when Jef, had the girl say that she never made a Mayan joke, that it was in reference to the fact that the Mayan’s didn’t ever predict the end of the world. Never made that joke = never predicted that? Either that or he’s referencing other strips going for the easy joke.
Bob. about 12 years ago
Central FL today. High 56
pam Miner about 12 years ago
sometimes simple things are confused with complex thoughts.