Frazz by Jef Mallett for May 30, 2016

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    Eric Salinas Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Lying will never end. It is immortal.

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    mddshubby2005  almost 9 years ago

    Sad to say guys, but given our species’ history on this planet, lying and war appear to also exist ‘for time immemorial’.

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    Varnes  almost 9 years ago

    “Happy Memorial Day” just doesn’t sound right does it? And even though it doesn’t make sense, I sometimes forget and say it anyway

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  4. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  almost 9 years ago

    Contrary to some on here, I appreciate all that our vets living and past have done for our country. Thank you.

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    sandpiper  almost 9 years ago

    Jef, how about just a simple recognition of service and dedication to flag and country that takes a different view than yours. Any intelligent person can grant that, agree with it or not.

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  6. Noodlesmile
    Kroykali  almost 9 years ago

    Once again, Mallett has produced a confusing strip, but I believe I get his point.Memorial Day is meant to remember all those who made great sacrifices to protect this country. You can argue about individual wars, but at least it will be in english, and not in german and japanese.As a vet myself, I stand in awe of the men and women who fought for freedom in WW II and in other wars. Mallett’s strip today is a slap in their faces. I have been a fan of this strip for many years, but today he crossed a line with me, and I will not be returning.

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    RuSerious? Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Well said, kroykali, and thank you for your service!

    I usually just breeze right past his liberal agenda because it’s usually somewhat understated or easy to ignore and, thankfully, a somewhat random occurrence.

    This is a HUGE disservice to those that gave their lives for this country.

    Be against war if you care to, but don’t denigrate the lives of those who died for your right to publish such an idiotic cartoon!

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    bill Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Neither funny nor respectful

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    LeePIII Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    The only men who have seen the end of war are dead. People who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I have struggled with a learning disorder all my life.Spell check is the most wonderful tool in my computer.

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    pumaman  almost 9 years ago

    Getting laughs from Memorial Day just doesn’t seem right.

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    feralmonkey4  almost 9 years ago

    so you are saying it would have been “moral” for us to not do anything about Hitler and his allies?

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  13. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  almost 9 years ago

    _ A bit too nuanced for the average reader_.Sometimes Night-Gaunt49 you astound me with your self-RIGHTeous clap trap..Excuse me. I should have just ignored that.

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    Devils Knight  almost 9 years ago

    though I do not agree with him I am a vet and I know that those who fought for his freedom gave him the right to do this strip and he needs to remember that also

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    JR6019  almost 9 years ago

    I was going to say ‘Remember Memorial Day’ but blessed works.

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    Fido (aka Felix Rex)  almost 9 years ago

    THANK YOU to all who have served — particularly those who served and died and THANK YOU also to all who loved those served and died.

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    scaeva Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I always wish people a safe and relaxing holiday, and ask them to raise a glass to those who have passed.

    I agree that Mallett crossed the line, and I’m disappointed with him.

    Mr. Mallett, if you read these comments, please understand that this holiday is not to celebrate war, or those who fight wars, but to remember the fallen. Any denigration of them is immoral, and you should be ashamed and apologize.

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    BaltimoreJack Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I now realized why Stephan Pastis of ‘Pearls before Swine’ created the supercilious character ‘Bicyclist Jef’ apparently based on Jef Mallett.As a veteran, my first reaction was to think Mallett was anti-military but the strip may be more anti-war. Many of his cartoons have obscure messages. Believe me, current and past members of the military are anti-war but do their duty to protect this nation. It was insensitive to ridicule a day meant to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice (if that was the intent).

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  19. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  almost 9 years ago

    ???? Not funny. This kid needs to pay more attention during history class.

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    Enlightened   almost 9 years ago

    Today you’ve shown your true colors. Desecrating a sacred day for selfish reasons doesn’t make you appear smart; only shallow. Very, very shallow. I can think of 1.5 million reasons why your “comic” strip should be cancelled.

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  21. It  s a gas station    by todd sullest
    Max Starman Jones  almost 9 years ago

    Three strikes and you’re out this year, Jef. It would be better to just ignore Memorial Day than to do what you did to it this year.

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    jessinthedesert  almost 9 years ago

    I am in shock. I can’t believe that on this national day of mourning for people who put the needs of others before the needs of themselves, Mr. Mallett would use his comic to make a political protest. It was after our civil war that people began this day of remembrance. Were it not for that terrible war our United States would have perished then. People in this territory might have remained in bondage even to this day. Since then the memorial has expanded to include people killed in wars outside of the US. War may not be the answer, but neither is casually watching innocents be oppressed, tortured, or slaughtered. Your protest, Mr. Mallett, does nothing to help the cause of peace and dishonors those deceased in trying to bring justice to the world.

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  23. Green bird
    colcam  almost 9 years ago

    Considering that Earth is quite a bit cooler now than when dinosaurs ruled the Earth I might have reason to question your conclusion.

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    dcarrow151  almost 9 years ago


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    mklange Premium Member almost 9 years ago
    Well, that was certainly not very amusing.
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    Drgcrs  almost 9 years ago

    Memorial Day is a remembrance day for those service members who have died serving their country. Nothing about this day is immoral and uising the word immoral to name this date is repugnant. War may be immoral but I doubt if the Nazi government or the former imperial govenment of Japan would allow Frazz to be published

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    Dan Tooker  almost 9 years ago

    Jef, you have the right to write whatever you want thanks to those who fought and died to give you the liberty to do that and I have the right to never read your self-righteous condescending crap ever again for the same reason. Funny how that works, isn’t it? Too bad you stopped being funny today. I wonder how many other readers won’’t be back.

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    roserj  almost 9 years ago

    ‘bye Frazz
won’t be back!


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    water_moon  almost 9 years ago

    Memorial Day was created to remember the fallen of the Civil War. The Confederates specifically. What was that about knowing the past

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