Have you noticed on either movies or television programs that they stand really close to each other when talking. In the older days without widescreen TVs you could understand that, or they’d go outside of frame, but it’s not as important now. If someone were talking to me that closely to me, I rather think I’d feel a little uncomfortable – although I suppose it does depend on who that person is :)We had a guy at work that would stand close while talking. There was one day down the pub I watched him and another guy talking at the bar. The started off at one end of the bar and after a while they’d both moved to the other end – as one moved away a bit and the other closed the gap again. Was amusing to watch.
Have you noticed on either movies or television programs that they stand really close to each other when talking. In the older days without widescreen TVs you could understand that, or they’d go outside of frame, but it’s not as important now. If someone were talking to me that closely to me, I rather think I’d feel a little uncomfortable – although I suppose it does depend on who that person is :)We had a guy at work that would stand close while talking. There was one day down the pub I watched him and another guy talking at the bar. The started off at one end of the bar and after a while they’d both moved to the other end – as one moved away a bit and the other closed the gap again. Was amusing to watch.