“Free Breakfast In-law”
I thought Terry was back recently after a hiatus from the diner!
“It’s free to come in — but it costs to leave!”
Only if you order something.
HHhhmmm…. Lately, a ‘sample’ at an ice cream joint came on a tiny little plastic ‘spoon’.
And you’d get nasty looks after about five of them.
F.B.I. Is that Fat Boy Incorporated?
Slim is a true Glutton for Punishment!!
And, as a dessert tray is pushed along nearby, it’s: “Yes! That’ll ALL do nicely! THANKS !!”
Nobody’s going to mention the heavy-set woman being called Baleen, as in a Baleen Whale?
Dirty Dragon about 5 years ago
“Free Breakfast In-law”
Darryl Heine about 5 years ago
I thought Terry was back recently after a hiatus from the diner!
Holilubillkori Premium Member about 5 years ago
JPuzzleWhiz about 5 years ago
“It’s free to come in — but it costs to leave!”
Only if you order something.
1MadHat about 5 years ago
HHhhmmm…. Lately, a ‘sample’ at an ice cream joint came on a tiny little plastic ‘spoon’.
And you’d get nasty looks after about five of them.
billyk75 about 5 years ago
F.B.I. Is that Fat Boy Incorporated?
Code the Enforcer about 5 years ago
Slim is a true Glutton for Punishment!!
And, as a dessert tray is pushed along nearby, it’s: “Yes! That’ll ALL do nicely! THANKS !!”
dmalzahn about 5 years ago
Nobody’s going to mention the heavy-set woman being called Baleen, as in a Baleen Whale?