Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for June 14, 2024

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    Dirty Dragon  6 months ago

    “No, it was the kick, you guys said yourself you only do the outside wires. Besides, Gertie said it was the way to fix something and she’s nearly as smart as Rachel was. Rachel, who I hired to help me raise my baby 103 years ago.”



    “I am not a crackpot.”

    - – - – - – - – - – -

    A full classics update for the 14th popped up a short while ago:

    They haven’t got to spaying and neutering yet, but Walt explains to Skeezix how hunters have come together to control the deer population, while ensuring the herds remain sustainable and hunting enthusiasts have a chance to pursue their hobby. (And break poor Bambi’s heart in about 11 years.)

    Holy cow, it’s the annual hunting trip for Hipshot and Rick – with a rite of passage as a bonus!

    Brenda’s second appointment with her dream therapist is a bit less productive than the first one, but all he can do is get her to sleep, perchance to dream. Of what is out of his control, this really might take three years.

    Clovia is really upset about spoiling the big wedding that her Mom planned out for her, but if Slim is offering to take the leap anyway? No. Just no says Cloves, she’d rather be a disappointment.

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    snsurone76  6 months ago

    The arcs on this strip are almost as slow as those from the “Popeye” strip on Arcamax Comics.

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    BlitzMcD  6 months ago

    The same principle as a television set in the late 1950s. Hit it on its side and the reception improves dramatically. Of course none of those sets work now…..

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    allangary  6 months ago

    Yesterday, Kenneth Berkun described the kick or slap method as “percussive maintenance.” I hadn’t heard that before, but I intend to remember it for future occasions.

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    fourteenpeeves  6 months ago

    As far as the kick question goes—-the world must never know!!

    But will Walt have to move in with somebody else until the mess is cleaned up?

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    SofaKing Premium Member 6 months ago

    The generator at the Wallet home usually runs on natural gas or propane so you don’t have a stale gas or diesel issue. They’re also supposed to “exercise” once a month, by starting and running for a few minutes. I friend in Florida had a large generator like this, some guys with a tractor and a pistol stole it as a hurricane was approaching.

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    Uncle $crooge  6 months ago

    Gee, what a plot twist! Nobody saw this one coming.

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    BuckeyeFanForever Premium Member 6 months ago

    That trick only workes in the movies.

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