Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for December 23, 2024

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    Dirty Dragon  about 12 hours ago

    Yeah Santa, but can you tell us when Walt was born?

    - – - – -

    It’s a full classics update for the 23rd:

    Phyllis wants to take a long trip, so Walt is obliged to ask the boss for some extended time off.

    Rick and Gaye take a long, relaxing ride out on the prairie. It’s the kind of place where your closest neighbor is 20 miles away. Of course the horses know the pathways, and where they are likely to get some food and water.

    So Lazy plays the Basil card, and now the wedding is in doubt because our Starr still carries the torch. Hank tries to help Brenda figure out what to do.

    Will Hope and Corky come up with a suitable Christmas tree, or will Adam and/or Eve feel let down, and plot a way to get back at their parents. One of these days.

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    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  about 12 hours ago

    Upset that she got caught cheating and then swallow it in admitting how she/they done a stupid thing ?

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    snsurone76  about 11 hours ago

    I Just thought Santa delivered presents. Never knew he was also a psychologist.

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    rondm66  about 6 hours ago


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    BJShipley1  about 2 hours ago

    Is the brat still whining about how she got caught cheating? Oh boo-hoo, actions have consequences.

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    David Rickard Premium Member about 2 hours ago

    From today’s Comics Curmudgeon:

    Santa, famously, sees you when you’re sleeping and knows when you’re awake. To this list of surveillance crimes, add another: every time somebody gives birth, anywhere in the world, he’s watching. He’s watching … and he remembers. He remembers everything.

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