Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for June 12, 2024

  1. Large 1699141985732
    shanen0  9 months ago

    I think the example in the first panel should be “Not” and I can’t even remember what the “Psych” thing was about. Something about “I psyched you out”, but I really can’t recall the proper usage. Perhaps someone can refer to a suitable video usage example?

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  2. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  9 months ago

    Bucky got you Satchel, again!

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  3. Missing large
    Znox11  9 months ago

    When using “Psyche” in this way, make sure to pronounce it using two syllables…Psy-eeeek!

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  4. Bug in trash basket
    PN3904 Premium Member 9 months ago

    Bit of electronics engineer trivia. A and not B makes perfect sense in Boolean algebra. You can also make a circuit with a 7404 and a 7408 that implements it in real life. In the older logic families of the 70s like DTL and TTL the inputs were asymmetrical. It only takes 40 microamps to pull them up but 1.2 milliamps to pull them down. So it became common to make switches and buttons that connected to ground, commonly referred to as “negative logic”. Saves a tiny amount of juice. To make this clear on schematics, some symbol like a bar over the name, a slash before it or a hashtag after it shows that it is negative logic.

    You could have a fire button for your video game, call it Fire. But if it switches to ground, you might write Fire# to make that clear. Pronounced aloud, “Fire not”. Negative logic is also indicated by a small circle called a bubble. Sometimes described as “active low”.

    Somehow this slipped into normal language in a stupid way that the cartoonist is parodying here. As in “I really love Politician A. NOT”. Maybe it was the “Big Bang Theory” that popularized it. At any rate it just sounds dumb to anyone who actually understands the terminology.

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  5. Giphy
    jango  9 months ago

    Maybe he double-majored

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  6. Apollo 11 launch 04
    Steverino Premium Member 9 months ago

    I always thought that an English major was an officer in the British army.

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    BlitzMcD  9 months ago

    Ah, so now we add liar (or at best, morality of convenience) to Rob’s list of delusions of grandeur. The fact that Bucky still puts up with him absolutely staggers the imagination.

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  8. Fisheyes
    GKBOWOOD Premium Member 9 months ago

    Poor Satchel- now you know how Anthropologists feel when trying to interpret a new culture!

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  9. Hanszarkov
    CleverHans Premium Member 9 months ago

    I know Satchel is kind of behind the times, but this strip is dated 2012, and it seems to me that the “I like this…NOT!” thing was early 2000s. I could be wrong about that. Likewise, “Psych!” was established enough to use as the title of the TV series that ran from 2006-2014. There were so many annoying phrases floating around then, like “talk to the hand” and “that’s what SHE said”, that it was easy to lose track of the timeline…

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  10. Me simpsons 2
    eb110americana  9 months ago

    This seems a reference to Wayne’s World. I wonder if people under the age of 25 have any idea.

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